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Georgian parliamentary elections moved to the lead of the opposition coalition "Georgian Dream", state television reported on the basis of surveys at the polls. Billionaire nhk Bidzinas Ivanišvili led coalition nhk moved to take the lead with 35% of the vote, while President nhk Mikheil Saakashvili represented the United National Movement won 30% of the votes, reports state television.
Meanwhile, the government loyally minded television channels "Rustavi 2" and "Imedi" at the polls survey shows that the "Georgian Dream" emerged the lead with 51% support, but Saakashvili's party won 41% of the votes.
Celebrating the poll results, Tbilisi Freedom Square gathered thousands of opposition supporters and Ivanišvili already announced election victory. "We nhk have won! Georgian people have won! "Opposition television channel TV9 broadcast speech announced Ivanišvili.
However, the survey results may not reflect the potential allocation of seats in parliament, as 77 of the 150 deputies are elected by proportional representation from party lists system, and 73 - on a majority single-member constituencies. To enter parliament, parties nhk to overcome the 5% barrier, but candidates for single-member constituencies acquire 50% plus one vote.
According to the data we receive, we will win over the majority of single-member constituencies. United National Movement will have a solid majority in the new parliament, "announced the ruling party spokeswoman.
"We wait for the results, but it seems clear that the coalition" Georgian Dream "has won a majority of the proportional vote, but the single-member constituencies the majority of votes in Georgia secured the ruling United National Movement," televised comments stated Saakashvili.
Three hours before the polls closed turnout has been 53%, announced the Central Election Commission. The first official election results are expected Tuesday. As already announced in and Saakashvili and Ivanišvili nhk before the elections expressed confidence that the elections will subversive victory, and the pre-election nhk campaign for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) observers, was "confrontational and sharp."
Ivanišvili accused the current president in establishing an authoritarian regime, but while the Saakashvili claimed that his opponent shall I add Georgia modernization program and return to corruption, and chaos māktajā past.
The reputation of the ruling party shortly before the elections undermined the scandal caused by revelations videorecording of prison torture, which led to both street protests and international nhk condemnation, while encouraging concerned about possible irregularities in the elections.
These elections are very important because, according to the above-mentioned constitutional nhk amendments after Saakashvili's term of office ends in 2013 will increase nhk the impact of Parliament and the Prime Minister, while the President's power will be limited.
Georgia's parliamentary election observers today delineated various violations, such as stations lacked ballot, but currently not yet gathered all the information as observers, thus can not yet judge the extent of the abuse, said the association "Transparency - Transparency International director Kristaps Petermanis.
Elections during nhk the day revealed that a number of stations sent too few voting card, so wanted to vote were sent home. Missing a newsletter for one of the electorate has voted, nhk but observers nhk are not yet collected quantitative data, how wide was the problem. Data could be collected tomorrow.
However, Peterman's opinion, taking into account the previous tensions and election day and election day in Georgia matches played quietly. Received information only on some specific incidents when the main opponents of the representatives involved in violent incidents. Evening News: Rūķīša wife after the death of her husband - a new sweetheart
Pretending nhk Russia's invasion nhk of Ukraine in the east, the group dressed in camouflage Ukrainian artists and activists held a stylized Russian pavilion occupation of the prestigious Venice Art Biennale event, reports "The Guardian."
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