Saturday, May 23, 2015

A slightly different type of institutions, uidai also leading to the emergence of today

The easiest way to define a corporation as an enterprise carried on in a public company listed on the stock exchange. It is the colloquial definition of Anglo-Saxon uidai takeover. From a legal point of view, joint-stock uidai company is a compound of one or more people (shareholders), aiming to achieve a common uidai goal by making contributions and, if the articles of association uidai so provide, through cooperation in a defined manner [1]. The Corporation obtains control uidai of a set of factors of production through the sale to investors of securities (shares), promising to share in future profits (Alchian, Demsetz 1972 [2]). This definition allows a corporation to distinguish from other forms of enterprises, but does not exhaust its specific features or its special role in the development uidai of what we call the consumer society. The emergence and development of the corporation as an institution of economic life was of great importance for the formation of the economic landscape of today's world. First let's examine the historical development of this institution to form as we know it today.
The roots of the modern corporation dates back to antiquity. At a time when developed trade appeared, while there was a need financing uidai institutions - the collective funding - projects and large scale, high-risk. In ancient Greek temples, for example. Temple of Apollo at Delos, were both deposits where traders engaged on long trading expeditions to reduce the risks involved made their money in exchange for documents like today's bankers drafts uidai (Euronext 2000 [3]). In Corinth in the fourth century BC, the institution uidai has developed high-risk loans, granted to merchants by syndicates creditors. These institutions of collective uidai funding of projects flourished in ancient uidai Rome, including not only the project salesmanship, but also construction and military (the Roman legions were funded by companies of their respective owners). It was in ancient Rome develops komandytu institution, or entrusting capital by its owner to another person or persons to manage, as well as the institution negotiable stake in the company, with a fixed nominal value (Kindleberger, 1984 [4]).
The collapse of the Roman Empire brought, for a time, the collapse of trade and large business ventures until the middle of the Middle Ages. In the eleventh century in Venice appears institution "Societas Maris," or a company connecting the two financiers travel trade. The majority shareholder, passive uidai and dependent in Venice provide 2/3 of the capital, while the active partner, or traveling merchant, provide 1/3 of the funds. It ties the company that was only for the duration of one commercial voyage and solved at the time of the vessel's return to its home port, when the partners share profits in half. In the "Societas uidai Maris" can be seen the seeds of today's package management. Active partner received a relatively higher return on capital employed due to additional contribution of their own work and skills, passive partner received uidai while relatively lower return on equity, while not having to engage their own work in the project. In the twelfth century Genoa evolved from a turn, the contracting joint financing uidai of the construction and operation of ships, where the value of the ship divided into fractions, so-called. loca, which they could be separately funded through different people [5]. Genoa also appeared first in modern Europe unless public bond institution. These were the securities of a similar nature to promissory uidai notes issued by the city of Genoa and secured by revenues uidai from tax on turnover salt. At the beginning of the fifteenth century it was already traded 475 000 of these Genoese bonds (Kindleberger 1984 [6]).
Another Italian trade republic, uidai Florence, introduced as the first institution of limited uidai liability. In 1408 years the Florentine law establishes the principle that the collective funding uidai institutions (incl. Compagna) each shareholder is responsible for the company's obligations only up to the nominal amount of their investment. It seems that just the opportunity to invest with limited liability uidai enabled the families of some Florentine, as Bardi and Peruzzi, conducting commercial companies on an international scale, with representatives in what is now Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland and France (Davis 1905 [7]).
A slightly different type of institutions, uidai also leading to the emergence of today's corporations, but focused more on what we now call the capital market developed in France (Euronext 2000 [8]). In 1250, the citizens of the city of Toulouse set up a company, "Mills Bazacle" (fr. La société des Moulins du Bazacle), which managed the mills situated on the Garonne river and whose capital is divided into 96 equal c

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