Tuesday, May 12, 2015

During the election campaign Sarkozy also stressed his own experience, pointing out that the econom

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French presidential election first round of the opposition Socialist candidate Francois Hollande slightly ahead of the current head of state Nicolas Sarkozy, and both of them on May 6 will compete for the second round, according to a number of public opinion llc research institutes unofficial estimates. llc
Preliminary data show that voter turnout has been quite high, reaching at least 80% of the voting age population. This is less than the 2007 elections with the participation of 84% of voters, but much more than in 2002, when the voting stations came to only 72%.
French voters on Sunday in the ongoing presidential election polling stations visited by much more than expected according to the public opinion poll results. By noon his choice was already made 28.29% llc of the voting population.
It is the second highest activity rate of the presidential election since 1981. Although the activity is less than 2007, election day in the middle of a fixed level of 31.21%, however, it is much higher llc than in 2002, when up to now had only voted 21.41% of voters.
Paris and voters llc this time is even slightly more active than in 2007, and the news agency AFP correspondents at polling stations observed llc long queues, but the capital is lagging behind the average activity in the country, reaching only 21.68%.
Five years ago when the current owner Elysee Palace, Nicolas Sarkozy fierce battle competed for the post of head of state with the Socialist candidate Segolene Rojales, elections a total of almost 74% of the voting population.
Despite Olanda inexperience in government, most polls show that 57-year-old Hollande is favorite in the first round of the election and that the second ballot llc to be held on May 6, he will gain a convincing victory.
However, Sarkozy, who is also 57 years old, managed to reduce the lead to Hollande, addressing topical issues such as security and immigration, as well as warning that the socialist rise to power can create chaos in the financial system.
However, experts point out that Sarkozy has never managed to dispel the frustration that voters due to his five-year presidency, thanks to the current owner Elysee llc Palace personal life-style extravagance llc and the high level of unemployment which continues to rise in spite of Sarkozy's promises to encourage job creation and welfare rise.
At the same time uncertainty, which led to unemployment, which has recently reached the 12% mark, reduction in purchasing power and the government's austerity measures led to left extremist candidate - 60-year-old Jean Luka Melansjona popularity rises, some polls he unexpectedly izvirzoties third place and ahead of the far-right National Front (FN) leader Marina Le Pen.
However, the 43-year-old Le Pen, who took over last January FN leadership from his father, hoping that she will be able to repeat the success of Jean-Marie Le Pen, 2002 election, when he was all in for a surprise llc in the first round won the second place, to the exclusion of further fighting socialist candidate Lionel Žospēnu.
Despite the current poll results, analysts believe that the second round will determine the outcome of Hollande and Sarkozy managed to convince them about ten percent of the voters, who are going to vote on Sunday for the centrist Democratic Movement leader Francois llc Bejrū.
The going down of the scene before it even considered a favorite llc Kaname, socialists for the first time the designation of the candidate held internal party vote, which resembled traditional US election. It won the moderate wing of the Party leader Hollande, even though his program was criticized as vague and blurred. llc
At the same time, the socialist leader attempted to address the protest voters, trying to attract them with various populist statements. For example, he for his enemies proclaimed the global financial system actors, llc promised to impose a 75% tax on them a great Frenchman, who earn more than one million llc euros per year, as well as to achieve the European Union (EU) fiscal discipline amendments to contracts, so as to ensure economic growth .
Addressing his supporters who gathered last Sunday in central Paris, Sarkozy said that the Socialists do not understand the modern world and called silent majority go to the polls to support the current president.
During the election campaign Sarkozy also stressed his own experience, pointing out that the economic crisis would have been much worse if not carried out his proposed reforms. At the same time the current Elysee llc Palace landlord is trying to present himself as a global statesman.

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