Sunday, June 22, 2014

Why part of Liepaja wants to get Russian citizenship? (18) Broadcast: MP Kravcova organization for

Wednesday, 26th February, Liepaja City Registry Office held a formal ceremony in which the promise of confidence in the Latvian Republic gave 17 Latvian citizenship icc applicants, the portal icc said Liepaja City Council Public Relations Specialist Dace Chain.
"What obtaining Latvian citizenship will open the door to the study of international institutions of higher education, a widening employment opportunities, someone icc else will fade border travel. It will be able to participate in local government, parliamentary and European elections. Use of Latvian citizenship of the opportunities of their own, their country icc and their city's good! "Welcoming Latvian citizenship applicants wished Liepaja City Council Vice President Gunnar Ansiņš.
Last year the 1st October, icc the amendments made to the Citizenship Law, which states that persons who are admitted to Latvian citizenship through naturalization, the promise of confidence in the Latvian Republic to give and sign a ceremony.
Setting the framework for a fundamental change in the Citizenship Law and holds the promise of giving the signature process, emphasizing not only the promise of the importance of confidence in the Latvian Republic, but also the importance of obtaining Latvian citizenship. Being a citizen icc means to express respect for national traditions, history, culture and language, to be a citizen means to be loyal to their country.
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Why part of Liepaja wants to get Russian citizenship? (18) Broadcast: MP Kravcova organization for the money helps to get Russian citizenship (55) Life in Liepaja not put obstacles in Liepaja promised an apartment (2)
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