Thursday, June 19, 2014 Latvian World Sports KDiena Technology Entertainment Video Pho Latvian World Sports KDiena Technology Entertainment Video Photo Day starts Economics Nature Day All Day forecast for Latvian pride Sunny Days Day of the Year Award in culture What's going on? Jani will see! Day Ābeļdārzs fungus Beloved Nurse School Day Latvian People's Front 25 Five Days in wealth
Isussues The line between life and death 94 PHOTO: Rain consequences of Liberty Street 6 PHOTO: The building is completed, the cost will continue for a long 29 Related Articles Porošenko: I do not care what Putin thinks citizen of Ukraine 26 Putin instructs strictly guarded border with Ukraine 40 Putin: Russia and Ukraine are close to reaching an agreement to supply natural gas issue 5 Normandy Putin had an informal meeting with Obama 3 D-Day remembrance overshadowed Putin's participation in the 144 Putin not to notice the death of the Russian militia in eastern usis Ukraine 36 Putin on the D-Day memorial services will meet with Cameron 15
The Constitution extended to the preamble, 57 PHOTOS: recovered three stolen bikes waiting for the owners added 5 (21:44) - the upper house of Parliament gives permission Putin troops in Ukraine 215 Author: LETA / RIA Novosti / Interfax / / AFP / KORRESPONDENT.NET. In 2014. On March 1 21:54 0 Send
Meanwhile, the lack of understanding of the potential of NATO and U.S. intervention in resolving the situation in Ukraine expressed Russia's parliamentary Upper House Speaker Valentina Matviyenko, reports UNIAN. "On the basis of? NATO and the U.S. We have given their consent to import of power."
"We act in strict accordance with the law and konstititūciju. To apply a last resort, need basis., I explained, we are basing this on what - at this moment is a threat to our countrymen, the Russian-speaking and Russian security and connection with the Crimean government crackdown on Russia to defend them from abuses and chaos that prevails in Ukraine, "parliament's usis decision was based Matviyenko.
Meanwhile, the Kremlin reported that Putin has not yet decided to send troops to Ukraine, although the upper house of parliament derives support. "It is the opinion of the Council of the Federation. Decision usis is taken by the president. At the moment such a decision," said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.
President of Ukraine Oleksandr Turčinovam obligation performer at Russia's request, took place on Saturday telephone conversation with Russian State Duma Chairman Sergei Nariškinu, which he called the conditions for import of Russian forces in Ukraine.
Nariškins conversation "expressed Russia's readiness to carry out military aggression against Ukraine in case of use of force against the will of Ukrainian civilians who live in the territory of the Crimea and the East."
Due to the Ukrainian usis side officially announces: "We are doing everything to protect Ukrainian citizens, who today de-factors become the object of aggression from the Russian soldiers and Russian support provocateur hand."
"We are not aligned and do not plan to resort to the use of force against citizens, although today the Russian side provokes all kinds of force deployment scenario complete destabilization of the situation in Ukraine," said Turčinovs.
According to him, all weapons and use of force against citizens "we believe to be specially prepared provocation to justify military aggression against Ukraine, the Russian Federation side."
"Ukraine is a peaceful country, but ready to defend its territorial integrity and sovereignty, as reflected in the National Security and Defense Council decisions," said Turčinovs.
"Due to the emergency situation in Ukraine, the threat of the Russian Federation citizens, our fellow usis citizens of the Russian Federation military contingent personnel, in accordance with international agreements stationed in Ukraine (Autonomous Republic of Crimea), on the basis of Article 102 of the Russian Constitution, Part 1, point" g "in the Russian Federation of the Federal Council on the request of the Russian Federation armed forces in the territory usis of Ukraine to the social-political situation in the normalization of the country, "said the Kremlin.
Meanwhile, the Federal Assembly appealed to Putin, arguing that refusing February 21 agreement on the normalization of the situation in Ukraine pose a real threat to the bloodshed in eastern Ukraine and southern areas of humanitarian and disaster risks throughout the country.
Based on numerous Crimean Autonomous usis Republic of Crimea and the management of Russian citizens living in the requests, the Federal Council invites the Head of State "to take meaningful measures of Russian citizens living in Ukraine, our compatriots in Ukraine and the Russian armed forces of life and the protection of security."
Before the Upper House of the Russian Parliament Speaker Valentina Matviyenko said Saturday that the parliament ie

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