Sunday, June 1, 2014

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In a little less than a year, the U.S. presidential elections take place. While the Republican candidates are working together and making a fool of himself Obama team has its sights on the fall of 2012 Bet:. Twelve battleground states.
One of those states is Ohio, good for eighteen code de la route electors. The state has a sharp contrast code de la route between some major cities (Columbus, Cleveland) and countryside. That makes Ohio a good reflection of the U.S. as a country. Ash Ohio goes, so goes the nation, they say. Three years ago, the state went to Obama, after months of intense hundreds of volunteers had conducted campaign. As an exchange student at The Ohio State University in Columbus, the capital, I was one of them. The strategy in Ohio in 2008 was simple: register as many voters as possible, and get all the Obama supporters who would not normally vote to the polls. In practice that meant weeks people bother with the question 'Have you registered code de la route to vote? " then write down a lot of personal information. It was necessary to agree to call the question of whether they had already voted them later (in Ohio, one could spend the whole month of October, all voices in the hall, could vote in multiple locations on election day). The month before the election was filled with canvases of different neighborhoods in the city. So, from door to door asking if people were planning to vote for Obama and that they did not understand the process well. That seems unnecessary, but one of the tactics of the Tibetan Ohio Republicans was to spread that if you show up at the polls in the rumor neighborhoods all you would be. Unpaid fines collected Canvassing also meant the door in your face getting slammed by Republican voters. But the Obama campaigners code de la route took it for granted, as they were met by the hope that Obama would make. Everything else Meanwhile, fewer and fewer Americans have hope. High unemployment and difficult economy also concerns in Ohio for a low valuation of President Obama (the approval rating hovering code de la route around 43 percent nationally). If the Republicans will soon have a foreman chose (which still may take a while), the battle code de la route will be the battleground states will erupt again. Ohio also turn will set the stage for lampposts full political pamphlets, improvised campaign booths in shopping and diligent canvas adopters that appeal code de la route to you about your voting behavior.
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