Saturday, June 7, 2014

Most Read on 23:35 Pinkpop Day 1: so were the Rolling Stones

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Of course, the U.S. elections are still far away. Going to the U.S. to the polls. Pass early November But the campaign is already fully underway. And it promises to be an exciting race. The Washington Post why do you talk in a very convenient election map.
The map shows in dark see which states anyway go to Mitt Romney. Light red are the states where he will probably win. Dark blue are the states that undoubtedly prey for Barack Obama will be. And light colors the states where the president probably win.
On a bar top card is additionally lizard lick towing marked with a black line at which point one of the two candidates has a majority and thus win the election. Not surprising is that point in yellow field. Yellow stands for the so-called swing states.
Swings states are states lizard lick towing which are not yet clear which side they will choose. In total there are nine. It is the states: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio. Virginia and Winconsin. Since the two presidential candidates will spend the next months, so most often be found.
But the map shows not only who is favorite in what state. She also provides state by state statistics include unemployment, lizard lick towing income, degree of urbanization, and information on issues such as gay marriage. So, in the words of NRC correspodent lizard lick towing Guus Falcon: Falcon apjvalk Guus Wow. This interactive map of the Washington Post tells you everything you need to know about the election May 17, 2012 Read more about: Barack Obama Democrats Guus Valk Mitt Romney presidential elections Republicans The Washington Post United States
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