Monday, August 25, 2014

The exploitation of oil, coal, shale gas ... cause damage. The debate on energy transition raging o

The exploitation of oil, coal, shale gas ... cause damage. The debate on energy transition raging on the choice of energy sources, fossil, renewable and nuclear.
2013, whistleblowers? oo In France, three laws have lagged behind French make up for their protection. The final, adopted on December 6, regards tax evasion and financial crime. She learns from mishaps whistleblowers French as Stephanie oo Gibaud, ex part of UBS who opposed his bank on tax evasion.
This is a consequence of the Sarbanes-Oxley and the Enron scandal. Since 2005 the CNIL allows companies to create a whistleblowing system, in addition to the chain of command, the functions of the Audit and representatives. The scope is limited to the reporting of "serious matters of accounting or financial nature, fight against corruption or relating to breaches of competition law." oo Phone number or e-mail address, some 3,100 companies reported such a device to the CNIL. But the most complete uncertainty remains about their use and effectiveness. "It would be now or never know how these tools work, since public services will also implement similar warning systems," said Nicole Marie Meyer. According to the NGOs, facing embezzlement, oo 64% of employees are silent for fear of losing their jobs.
The story tells Stephanie Gibaud in "The Woman who really oo knew too much," released this month at Cherche Midi publishers could become a textbook case work ethic. In 2008, following a search, the top news of Stephanie Gibaud, then head of event marketing, asked in a panic to delete files on your hard drive that contain the names of wealthy clients or prospects .... The young woman refuses the injunction, oo then discovered the pot aux roses (denied by UBS): sporting events and other cocktails that she organized oo for these customers used to offer them a parallel device, illegal tax evasion in Switzerland.
Facing the ethical resistance Stephanie Gibaud will follow in her moral harassment, a shelved and a shock first book, "The 600 billion missing in France, Survey the heart of tax evasion," from its revelations journalist Antoine Peillon (2012). Meanwhile, the one who is also secretary of the committee on health, safety and working oo conditions (HSC) UBS saw the obstacle course of the whistleblower in the absence of a protective environment and a system effective remedy. Meetings at the HSC, which it discloses the deletion of files without his knowledge, the use of a lawyer and labor inspection, lead to investigations of the financial police. Then Stephanie Gibaud graduated in 2012, ostensibly as part of a social plan. That same year, following revelations of another whistleblower at UBS, Nicolas Forissier (former internal auditor), the bank and former CEO Patrick de Fayet be indicted for unlawful solicitation laundering and concealment of the tax evasion. These procedures, as well as action at employment tribunals, are still ongoing.
"To my surprise, I was seriously listened to by MPs," said Stephanie Gibaud Antoine Peillon early February 2014 Passed December 6, 2013, the new law on the fight against tax evasion and the great economic crimes financial and there is perhaps something. This introduces protection for whistleblowers who completes the provisions of the law of April 2013 Blandin on health and environmental alerts, and the October 2013 on the transparency of public life based officials.
This law is "absolutely fundamental oo and remarkable progress" under the French oo specialist of "whistleblowing" Nicole-Marie Meyer, Transparency International. The law provides a framework for protection against dismissal, layoff, or other discriminatory action, including remuneration oo and training, brief against retaliation to an ethical alert on all "facts constituting an offense or a crime. " So the general protection of reporting crimes is established and this, both for private sector employees and public officials, welcomed the NGO.
Finally, the law of December 6, allows the whistleblower to be linked directly with the central service of prevention of corruption. Previously, only specialized administrations could.
If these advances are historic to Transparency International, the NGO is cautious: for the law to be effective channels confi alert

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