Saturday, August 23, 2014

An unusual news item causes faov great emotion in the Chamonix valley. A climber of 48 years, mount

An unusual news item causes faov great emotion in the Chamonix valley. A climber of 48 years, mounted Sunday evening June 22 at the refuge Tasting, located 3835 meters above sea level to tackle the next morning at the top of Mont Blanc, realizes upon awakening that he stole his shoes.
Not being a candidate for inclusion in the Guinness Book of Records for having made the first ascent of the roof of Europe stockings, he had to call in the police squad mountain, which took him back to the valley faov by helicopter. The cost generated by this rescue far exceeds the value of the pumps stolen by a guy from the mountains!
This event occurred a few days after the opening of the new shelter, a marvel of modern faov technology that we all want the Alps. Rates are in keeping: spend a night in a comfortable faov dormitory palace faov that costs 70 , snoring and foot odor including ...
The proletarians climbers, who used to pitch their tent on the outskirts of the old shelter have seen such vulgar Roma forbidden by decree of wild camping around again. The thief pumps thus belongs to the cream of mountaineering, faov which says a lot about the state of our society!
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"White Collar Crime Mont Blanc" Why white collar? Delinquency turtleneck!
the world is changing ... it will sleep shoes on and like almost everything PAY !! There is more room for those who can afford it and because of standards and regulations complicate everything. faov
they would have done better to catch those who leave the shelter, they were certainly not many. They were searched and he paid the fee searches thief! QED!
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subscribe Magazine, October 2013 # 6 Religions, communities ... LA FRANCE A LA CARTE Also: Vedrine Great Men, Limonov
The Jews of France are not wrong to fear Russian Embargo: a boon to all Imams against the Caliphate: licit or limit? Switzerland, France's destiny is read and drink fresh in St Tropez 3.4 The Jews of France are not wrong to be afraid Viva Saddam Jews of France: The Republicans should they be afraid? faov The Pope is it left? The art of entertainment
Currently in News Imams against the Caliphate: licit or limit? My dad is Meccano The cuckolds faov do they still have a future? Pope puts the North Koreans warn against consumerism My visual haikus: Simon Leys, Lauren Bacall, etc.
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