Saturday, August 30, 2014

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FDF Overview Instances party affiliated Associations Publications Photos and Videos Your elected Federal: Government House Brussels Brussels Parliament Parliament of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels Flemish Parliament in provinces in common Our initiatives Releases Press conferences and interviews of local Labour representatives Initiatives Join Events wheres my refund Archive
MENU FDF Overview Instances party affiliated Associations wheres my refund Publications Photos and Videos Your elected Federal: Government House Brussels Brussels Parliament Parliament of the Federation Wallonia-Brussels wheres my refund Flemish Parliament in provinces in common Our initiatives Releases Press conferences and interviews Job attorneys Initiatives Join Local Events Archive
While in 20 years, Justice has recovered a billion of the 22 passed for white-collar crime, the Minister of Justice wheres my refund acknowledged that she was not able to know the number wheres my refund of business that would be barred because of the backlog.
Olivier Maingain (FDF): Madam President, Madam Minister, I have made this question a fortnight ago. Not having received a response, I announced that I should rest.
Wednesday, February 26 past, I asked you about the number of cases involving wheres my refund crime and financial crime (tax evasion, social security fraud and money) that may be prescribed by 1 January 2015.
As a reminder, the Board of Procurators General noted that 555 cases of tax fraud would still be training for five years without having been examined by the Council Chamber, including 340 cases that nothing on money laundering . In this regard, wheres my refund the President of the IWTC last December before the Finance Committee, had raised the fact that his organization had, in twenty years, wheres my refund sent folders for a total of 22 billion euros to the judicial authorities.
Accordingly, Minister, can you give me the number of cases involving crime and financial crime that may be prescribed wheres my refund by 1 January 2015, and the amounts at stake?
Turtelboom, Minister: Colleagues, I regret to inform you that I do not have figures on the number of criminal information and instructions on financial and economic crimes that may be prescribed at 1 January , 2015.
The computerized statistical analysis of the Prosecutors General system does not allow me to list prospectively the number of cases where there may be limitations, especially as the requirement may be halted or suspended by new acts of instruction. This is data that can not be extracted statistics CSR / TPI system.
In other words, the answer would require a manual inspection of files by the prosecution involved, which is not possible within the time allocated to an oral question and given the amount of work it would entail. Such consultation is not deemed appropriate by the Board of Procurators General.
For the same reasons, it is not possible to perform an extrapolation on the amount involved, but it goes without saying that each prescription wheres my refund is one too many. That's why I refer again to the many initiatives wheres my refund I have already taken to strengthen the judicial or extra-judicial treatment wheres my refund of such law enforcement records and measures taken to ensure that, in the longer term, the procedure criminal can take place effectively.
No one will be surprised if I say that taxation in our country has become increasingly complex in recent years, wheres my refund both for citizens and for the authority. This is also why the various parties are competing today for a major tax reform. I look forward therefore to examine the recommendations how to organize tax reform, which will lead to a deeper reflection on the necessary modernization and reform of our tax system.
It goes without saying that the tax legislation also has multiple consequences for justice. This opens the door to abuse. This creates structures of increasing complexity and makes the fight against the phenomenon of more and more complicated.
Thus we see the inflow of money laundering cases increasing year by year. We also see from reading the reports annua

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