Thursday, August 21, 2014

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Home Blog English Tickets Annie Le Brun Donation: Monthly call Who am I? Donation: why? The blog and investors tickets Jeanne Favret-Saada's "Debates Blog of Ron Paul" My books page
The economic far right is essentially an unequal society project is to restore a feudal system, that is to say, an extremely hierarchical society. The company would, however, ra most based on ownership ra of land, as was the case under the old regime, but on the money. The money is considered a kind of meritocracy: you can win as much as you want as long as have the talent; there is this idea of a possible talent of an individual with the money it gets to do. Thus, we explain why a particular person within a company ra receives so much money. So we are faced with an attempt to reconstitute an aristocracy that is no longer based on land ownership but the ability to make money.
The system that is proposed here is clearly ra undemocratic. In general, theorists ra of this current show their contempt for democracy. For example, when Friedrich von Hayek goes to support Pinochet in Chile, he says that from a country that is democratic but not liberal and a country that is liberal but not democratic - and this is a clear allusion to the elimination of Allende and Pinochet compliment - his preference ra would be the latter. The biggest scandal is that the board of Nobel Prize in Economics ra granted recognition and fame to those people who are anti-democratic and ideologues of the far right. I have also never understood why they were never qualified right-wing extremists, as if their support for Pinochet ra was not already a sufficient element. We must remember that von Hayek, at the end of his life, led a campaign to press for trying to expose the wrong trial we took action on it according to Pinochet. This is a question ra I would really like to ask one day a juror Nobel Prize in economics: what goes through their heads when they put their bond to such enemies of democracy?
His political incarnation comes down to the removal ra of the policy as having any importance to its decision-making. For example, the Troika is a perfect representation of this ideology. The Troika consists of representatives of the European Central Bank, European Commission and International Monetary Fund are people who are not elected but from a co-option in this small group of new aristocrats, without any justification nor any foundation in popular will. Their approach ra was to say that the authorities in monetary and economic matters should be "protected against the policy" and be "independent". This pseudo-independence vis-à-vis the political - that is to say, elected officials - is manifested in their side by a total dependence vis-à-vis the power of transnational corporations. They work independently of politics, but in absolute subservience to the demands of transnational. And to the extent that their will is expressed by rewriting accounting rules - which are very important to determine ra what works or not in an economy - therefore also participate in decision making large firms such as KPMG Audit Deloitte or PricewaterhouseCoopers. The real "masters of the world" are this level. ra
Yes, absolutely. These people are part of the tradition of the so-called "economic science" which is actually a body of dogmatic doctrine that has developed and moved away more and more of the verification by the facts and does not consider n accepts no factually. This is a building ra that is fully protected against denial, like a primitive religion that can always explain afterwards that if his predictions do not come true, it is that all conditions necessary for its implementation were not met. One of the tenets of this movement, for example, is to say that any error is inevitable due to government intervention. And if you oppose them that the subprime crisis broke out in a fully liberalized environment, they will tell you that there was still a bit of state and that is why the crisis broke. One element of propaganda typical of the economic far right is to say, for example, that the subprime crisis occurred through the fault of the welfare state inherited from Bill Clinton. Now we know that the system subprime was closely linked to a report on the idea of "ownership society" (ownership society) r

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