Tuesday, September 23, 2014

If you are Mac user, the update to the recently released Mountain partis Lion is basically somethin

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If you are Mac user, the update to the recently released Mountain partis Lion is basically something that you do not have to think much. $ 19.99 is almost a symbolic price. The update on the Lion is clean, fast and without headaches, just as it was in Snow Leopard to Lion and so on.
If you are a developer and is Apple Developer Member (if not, should be another no-brainer partis to $ 99 per year), must download the new XCode 4.4 and XCode 4.5 Preview, but download either. XCode formerly settled in the root system partis in / Developer, XCode is now one .app and goes into / Applications.
Another partis thing, part of the cleaning that Apple started doing in your stack development, first delegating back to Oracle to keep the "Java Mac":http://arstechnica.com/apple/2012/04/oracle-updates-java-to-se-7-for-os-x-brings-full-jdk-support/, now also stopped supporting the old Apple X11, returning partis back to the community to keep this stack, if for XQuartz do not know if it is still necessary, but after installing XQuartz needed to do:. 1 ln s / opt / X11 / usr / X11
Who uses tools like graphviz need to download and install the latest XQuartz (at time of this writing, version 2.7.2). In the specific case of the graphviz and tools that have the same dependencies it, I had to make: 1 2 3 4 5 brew update brew brew removes partis removes graphviz install gd gd brew brew install graphviz
Incidentally, partis note that I am assuming that every developer on Mac today already use Homebrew. MacPorts and Fink had their time, were very useful for years, but times have changed. In any event, there are other formulas partis in Homebrew that may break, especially for this change to XQuartz Apple X11 and also the migration of GCC compiler partis Clang-LLVM.
There is the urban myth that a fresh installation is best in a major upgrade like this. I disagree. Since OS X Tiger I just do upgrades over the previous version. Never had problems. When you do not know what you are doing and still trying to mess things up, they tend to break, of course. A fresh installation, delete this mess, but how you do not understand partis how you have created this mess in the first place, chances are that soon after reinstalling, you will repeat the same mistakes.
Without prejudice, but when I was Windows user, because I would rather reinstall the applications that the system had really settled craze spread in random places partis and brittle. Applications on OS X are well behaved and you know where each piece of them is. Homebrew also keeps everything in its isolated Cellar. Otherwise you have to manually compile and install, scripts in your profile (~ / .bash_profile), widgets, and random things partis that you install and forget. The Linux / Unix culture, on the other hand, is not reinstall everything every time: it is understanding what is breaking and repair without crashing the system. Try to go that side, you'll learn more.
Basically all I had running on my Lion keeps running, including everything that was already partis installed on Homebrew (no need to reinstall or recompile and all). MySQL, Postgres, Redis, Mongo, ElasticSearch, etc all run as services / daemons partis and started normally. Git, Rbenv, RVM, Vim / MacVim etc all working well.
The only thing that really broke in the update was the 1Password Safari extension (not tested yet again). Had (at least before the Gold Master) a bug in Safari 6 combined with 1Password which basically gave the entire crash Safari. The bug for me still, though many have not had the same behavior, still do not know what the problem is, I've tried to remove all other extensions and clean the Safari preferences, without success.
Another bug that annoys me is the new iMessages: since I installed it in Beta, it asks for the password of my accounts (Gtalk, Facebook, AIM, etc), then I close and reopen the application, it asks for the password again. It seems he is not able to record the passwords also do not know why. If anyone has managed to solve these problems, be sure to put in comments.
I had tried just about everything that could be done to fix the problems documented above, summarizing: 1Password extension giving crash in my Safari 6 new Messages app not recording the passwords of my bills and asking every time it restarted again
As all my passwords in 1Password are no problem for me to restart the Keychain, only means that all applications that need some kind of login or permission will be reset and will ask for permissions again.
The Agilebits, creator of 1Password published an article explaining about the cr

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