Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Apie taborą kolega ir šiaip visokių liūdnų (nežinia ar tikrų) istorijų pasakoja. Tipo yra kalbėjęs s

Druqs | SŪRU
Alyvuogės Re-animacija Reinkarnacija Relaksantai * Remiksas * Pasakos Ašaros Viliotinis Už kadro Akių ganykla Pirma eilė Prodiuseriškas pasirinkimas TV Antena Artišokai Spotlighs Lėlės Bangos Melomanijos gniaužtuose 3 klipai Išpuoliai gyvai Mini interviu Radaras Pageidavimų koncertas Afiša UnderCover Padivanai Dienos šotas Densfokloras Lietuvos roko istorija Čakros Baltnosiuko pasakos Baltiniai Pergamentai Spauda su teklia Ikrai Kostiuminė drama Kasdienybės trupiniai NaCl Rentgenas Receptai Nuodai Oksidai Raudona papkė Guglos patarimai Gugla pristato Pramogų ruletė Sūrios srovės Nupūtus dulkes Sūrūs kaimynai Prakaitas ar Šviežias kraujas Išskirti dvyniai Chameleonai Persirengus ir pasikvėpinus Iš mūšių arenų Kur vynas? Kur vyras? Pywo užsigerti Ze Džermans Turgus Konkursai Sūru
Tarkim avia tema. Man ji žiauriai įdomi, nors pats nesiruošiu skraidyti ir realiai xui ten atskiriu Boeing 737-400 nuo Boeing 747-200. Ok, ok, jei paguglinčiau, tai neįmanoma neatskirti. Bet kai pamatau stovintį oro uoste kokį nors lėktuvą, tai in general nu niekaip negalėčiau pasakyti, kokio jis modelio. Ir bliat tuo labiau nesiruošiu gilintis, ar ten Rolls-Royce variklis stovi, ar ne. Bet tema man po liubomu yra įdomi, godžiai skaitau pasirodančius straipsnius apie tai.
Tokia tema yra ir druqs (ne Aphex Twin, ne; nes kaip tik po Drukqs bičo ir nustojau klausyti, beje). Įtempęs ausis klausiau, kaip draugas pasakojo apie savo tripus, ar vis paskaitinėju Albert Hofmann autobiografinę knygą apie LSD (manau, kad bičas buvo axujennas), taip pat godžiai ar gaudau naujienas ir researchus ta tema. Bet pats nevartoju ir nesiruošiu pradėti. Net nekaltos žolės nerūkau jau daug metų ir nesiruošiu vėl pradėti.
Bet mielai ar klausausi/diskutuoju su kolegomis/skaitau straipsnius apie tai. Axujennai įdomu. Tarkim vienas mano kolega ne tik mielai šįbeitą vartoja, bet ir būna užsidegęs visokiom įdomiom įdėjom. Na tarkim, pusmetį kliedėjo, ar kad jam reikia meskalino (meskalo kaktuso, jei iš tikrųjų). Kaip supratau, negavo Lietuvoje. Kažkada jis bandė nuvažiuoti ir į čigonų taborą su taksu. Ne, ne hero susileisti. ar For fun. Dėl hero esu gerai atkalęs visus savo draugus ir pažystamus, ar kad blia nė arti neitų prie to šūdo. Klauso, so far. Na, kiek žinau, so far. Ai, bičiulis! Tai va, prisigėręs nutarė nuvaryti i taborą, apsižvalgyti. ar O taksistas atsisakė jį vežti. ar Motyvavo tuom, kad jis nepriklauso tam pasauliui, tai geriau ir nereikia į jį žiūrėti.
Apie taborą kolega ir šiaip visokių liūdnų (nežinia ar tikrų) istorijų pasakoja. Tipo yra kalbėjęs su besilankančiais. Tipo išsišnekėjo su biču traukinyje Varėna-Vilnius. Bičas iš Varėnos varė į taborą, prašė pinigų. Tai va, ten yra miškelis, kur vos ne kasdien po vieną-dvi dūšias užsilenkia. Tik jie nonaminiai, į statistika nepapuola. Tai žmonės-šešėliai. Jų nebėra, o gal niekada ir nebuvo. ar
O buvę taip: prieš keletą tūkstančių metų, Centrinėje Afrikoje prasidėjo sausra ar ir išnyko miškai, o kartu su jais ir vaisiai, kuriais maitindavosi beždžionės. Tuo pat metu laukuose pradėjo augti daugybė grybų. Taigi tam tikra beždžionių rūšis pradėjo valgyti grybus vietoje vaisių. Daugelis iš tų grybų turėjo narkotinių medžiagų.
Etnobotanikas T. McKenna teigia, kad būtent nuolatinės haliucinacijos, džiaugsmas ar ir skausmas, neturintis priežasties, išvystė beždžionei virtualų mąstymą, arba kitaip tariant, mąstymą apie daiktą, kurio nėra rankose, ar mąstymą apie reiškinį, kuris iš tiesų realybėje nevyksta, ir padarė iš jos šiuolaikinį žmogų.
J. Irvino ir A. Rutajito tyrimai jokiais būdais neturėtų būti vertinami kaip įžeidimas. Šiuolaikinis teisėjas, apsirengęs kaip juodas šungrybis, yra neatsiejama mūsų kultūrinio ir istorinio paveldo dalis, kuri turi būti saugoma bei puoselėjama.
Man tema ant tiek įdomi ir maloni, kad kai lygiai prieš metus mes varėm į tokią European conference + pastovėti stende/pasellinti savo paslaugų ar Prahoje, aš užsakiau ir visam teamui (4 žmonėms) corporate marškinėlius su dopamine chemine formule ir užrasu POSITIVE. Ir mūsų logo, žinoma.
This is possibly the most disturbing thing I’ve seen on the Interweb. I’m sorry for inflicting this upon all of you. PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: The mushroom in this video looks like Amanita muscaria, which are very poisonous! Don’t ever try this at home, people. Picking and eating random wild mushrooms MIGHT KILL YOU. After a rigorous session of super-sleuthing, I was able to find out more about this guy. It seems that he is a performance artist from Japan that goes by the name of ‘wotaken.’ Here’s his home page: http://katura.is.land.to/index.html .
Lyrinis nukrypimas: ar aš tik galvoju, kad jobanoj šalyje mes gyvenam. Katalikai blia ir kaip tas žodis… konformistinė visuomenė? Nu ne, dar ne tas. Ai. Naxui. Tiesiog jobana šalis ir viskas. Labai tinkamas žodis. Jobani mes. Kodėl? Ogi pagalvokit, kiek baudžiamųjų bylų gautų lietuvis žurnalistas, jei kokiam nors leading portale, ta

This season the surface is dry, the salar is a pure white expanse of the greatest nothing imaginable

Pradžia Bolivia Bolivia Food/Maistas Bolivia Myths&Realities/Mitai ir Faktai Bolivia People/Žmonės Bolivia Places/Vietos Peru Peru Food/Maistas Peru Myths&Realities/Mitai ir Faktai Peru People/Žmonės Peru Places/Vietos Video Milana world war 1 travel " alt="" />
Uyuni – ask any local and everyone world war 1 of them would say “harto frio” – extraordinary cold. We reached Uyuni by local bus. “Semi world war 1 cama” which is half sleeping world war 1 bus was convenient for 12 hours trip and kind of cheap – 100 Bolivianos or 17 Usd. In the meantime turistic bus would have cost us 2.3 times more. It would have been all great if not a bunchof local and indigenous people that entered the bus in the next station. Together with their dogs actually. We didn’t feel very safe since some young local guys tried to impress world war 1 everyone around. So we finally arrived to Uyuni with our lungs full of “gas” – it seems that all polution went inside. The little town in the early morning looked world war 1 as if in western movies – non asfalt wide roads, shops’ windows closed, little grey houses and unlimited deserts behind them. Our jeep tour with new friends from Poland and France starts at 10.30.
Salar de Uyuni – the word’s largest salt lake (12106 sq m) sits at 3653 m. 50% of the world’s lithium deposits, a mineral essential for hybrid and electric vehicles, is found in the salt flatsof Uyuni. If Bolivia sets to become the Saudi Arabia of Lithium and lift bolivians out of poverty remains to be seen.
This season the surface is dry, the salar is a pure white expanse of the greatest nothing imaginable – world war 1 just the blue sky, the white ground and you. Just after we move from the town, any connection is lost, phones and internet don’t work. I am glad because this is the first time on this trip having my hands free without connection. After few minutes we stop near the train cemetary which is next to the railway that even today can bring you to Chile. Nothing that special, but I did enjoy dancing on the roof of a train Other stop is a salt process building which looks more than a market. We still wait until it reach beautiful places. world war 1 Next stop is a massive field of salt with plenty of other tourists around taking pictures. This place is definatelly worth photographing. We enjoy yammy lunch in Isla Pescada (Fish Island) – the island full of cactus that do not look impressive from a far distance, but once you get closer, it is an amazing world war 1 view. We eat soft avocados (when I studied in Germany, I remember my friend world war 1 from Chile would always complain about avocados being tough in Europe), organic, not lithuanian or dutch tomatoes, cucumbers, choclo cereals and llama meat which tastes like beef. We also have bananas and Coca cola for a desert.So here we finished our tour for today. Kind of early, but it is nice not to rush and enjoy the moment. I am pleasantly surprised when we arrive in a hostel, world war 1 if one can call it that way. One floor house made of salt, cement and wood. The ground is also from a salt and it looks like sand. We have everything we need: disappearing warm water that costs us 1.5 Usd and we need to queue until others would shower (a polish girl was shouting with her head all in shampoo because of a freezing water), electricity for 2 hours and lovely dinner of vegetable soup and one slice of a chicken. Walls, 2 sleeping bags, bed cover and cloths world war 1 (T-shirt, 2 sweaters, 3 socks, trousers, gloves and hat) are protecting us from cold.
Good morning we had a great sleep, it was’t so cold, I even slough from a sleeping bag because I felt like a corpse and could not move my legs. After we had breakfast during a sunrise, world war 1 we went to enjoy other beautiful places of the area. It was kind of slow motion day since we spent a lot of time in the car. We saw 5 lagoons which I have never seen before, snowy dunes, and Flamingoes… Yes, Flamingoes from a capital letter. So gorgeous in precious nature. It seems like I saw it all in my life, but every trip loads me with different colors of life. This time – Flamingo pink.
Aurelija: “how can a person that has only seen his garden can tell it is no interesting to see all these places? I just cannot believe that person would say the world is not beautiful after he would see This”. Milana: “yes, he must be blind then”.
Uyuni – paklausk world war 1 vietinio apie šį Bolivijos pietuose įsikūrusį miestelį ir jis pasakys “harto frio” – ypatingai šalta. Mes atvykome iš La Paz į Uyuni vietiniu autobusu. “Semi cama”, t.y. pusiau miegamasis autobusas buvo gana patogus keliauti 12 valandų, be to nebrangu world war 1 -100 Bolivianų, apie 17 Usd. Tuo tarpu turistinis autobusas jums kainuotų 2.3 karto daugiau. Viskas būtų puiku, jei artimiausioje stotelėje world war 1 nebūtų sulipęs vietinių žmonių pulkas. Ir ne tik vietiniai, bet su visais šunimis. Nesijautėm labai saugios, nes vieti

Monday, December 30, 2013

What can an engineer do with a load of tools, a giant red boot and a couple of light bulbs? We

Ne tik paprastam TV žiūrovui, bet ir media agentūroms TV skaitmenizacijos baubas kėlė nerimą. Nors žinome, jog žiūrimumo įpročiai yra labai inerciški ir žaibiškai lhdn nekinta, tačiau naujovės šiokios tokios sumaišties įneša.
Visgi nerimauta be reikalo. Pasak TNS LT, analoginio antžeminio TV signalo lhdn išjungimas Lietuvoje nepaveikė TV rinkos dalių perskirstymo lyderiai liko tie patys, tačiau šiek tiek ūgtelėjo mažesnių kanalų žiūrėjimas. TV rinkos skaitmenizacija pusvalandžiu pailgino televizijos žiūrovų praleidžiamą laiką prie TV ekranų. lhdn Tai parodė rinkos ir žiniasklaidos tyrimų kompanijos TNS LT televizijos auditorijos tyrimo duomenys. Lyginant šių metų spalio 1 28 d. ir spalio lhdn 29 lapkričio 4 d. duomenis, didžiųjų televizijos kanalų TV3 ir LNK auditorijos dalis sumažėjo 1-2 proc. punktais. Tačiau reikėtų pažymėti, kad užfiksuotas 1-2 proc. svyravimas nėra statistiškai reikšmingas. Ryški analoginio antžeminio TV signalo išjungimo pasekmė lhdn išaugęs kitų mažesnių (regioninių, kabelinių, palydovinių) TV kanalų pasiektų žiūrovų skaičius. Tam turėjo įtakos su TV rinkos skaitmenizavimu išaugusios žmonių galimybės matyti didesnį TV kanalų skaičių. TV auditorijos tyrimas parodė, kad vidutinė vienam Lietuvos gyventojui tenkanti TV žiūrėto laiko trukmė, lyginant pastarųjų dviejų savaičių duomenis, išaugo pusvalandžiu ir pasiekė 4 val. per parą. Daugiau: www.tns.lt Komentarai
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15min.lt Auksiniai svogūnai balsas.lt BTL BTV CPC CPM facebook facebook ads GOOGLE google streetview Konkurencijos taryba Latvija lhdn LG LNK LNT LRT Media agentūra media agentūra; klientas Media agentūra; klientas; planavimas; derybos; optimizavimas Mediaskopas mobilieji mobilieji įrenginiai MTG netradicinė reklama ooh patarimai pokalbiu reklama reklama reklamos apžvalga reklamos monitoringas retargeting Rinka SEO skype smartphone lhdn social media sportas.lt televizija tns TOP TV TV3 Verslo žinios vz.lt
Right before Christmas, Duval Guillaume and Coke teamed lhdn up for a new "Happiness" stunt. They created a billboard made out of wrapping lhdn paper, then installed lhdn a number of them in shopping malls in Belgium. Passersby could tear off a piece as they walked past -- saving them at least one trip to a stationary store. Continue reading at AdAge.com […] Coca Cola: A New Way to Enjoy Coke
What can an engineer do with a load of tools, a giant red boot and a couple of light bulbs? We're not sure, but Coke is teasing us with this video, which shows a vending machine being kitted out to turn into something entirely different -- a new way to get your Coke. All it says is that this time, you might have to earn it. This is the newest execution […] State Farm: Heritage of the Assist lhdn
Basketball player Chris Paul and his "twin brother" teach their sons about their family heritage lhdn of assisting, in Translation's new spot for State Farm. The film, which launched Christmas Day introduces Lil Chris and Lil Cliff (Paul's own son, Chris Paul Jr.) who ask a very important question: "Where do assists come from?"For th […] Gatorade: Cadence
If there's anything that might inspire you to head to the gym to work off your Christmas dinner, it might be this rousing new spot for Gatorade. Created out of TBWA, "Cadence" is a catchy call-to-action for athletes everywhere as Dwayne Wade, Serena Williams, Derek Jeter and Robert Griffin III all celebrate the power of hard work, via clapping […] The Weather Channel: Therapy Dog
The Weather Channel is teaming up with the American Humane Association for a nationwide search lhdn for a "weather therapy dog." The pooch will help recovery efforts for communities that have been affected by natural disasters and severe weather. The dog, along with an AHA handler, will visit schools and shelters and other locations to help out. Viewers lhdn […]
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“Selebričiai” naudojasi įžymiausių vizažistų ir kosmetologų paslaugomis, iš jų sužino daug naudingų patarimų. Žurnalas “Tatler ” dalinasi šiais patarimais su mumis (nepamirškite išsaugoti įrašą tarp mėgstamiausių )
Mariah Carey: Visada papurškiu tušo šepetėlį terminiu vandeniu, padžiovinu dešimt sekundžių ir tik tada dažo blakstienas. Toks triukas neleidžia blakstienos sulipti bei neleidžia susidaryti gumuliukams .
Natalie Portman: Savo vešlius antakius aš dažau dvejų spalvų pieštukais: prie vidinio kampučio – tamsiu, o arčiau smilkinių – šviesesniu. Taip antakiai vero atrodo ryškūs, bet tuo pačiu ir natūraliai gražūs .
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AS MAKE-UP FACEBOOK Paskutiniai užrašai Terminio vandens nauda ir galia ;) Beauty’holikai, naujiena! BB kremus keičia CC :) 8000$ už Megan Fox antakius! Apmąstymai :) Maistas ir grožis. “Žvaigždiškas” grožis ir jo paslaptys. Nėštukių makiažas. Sodriausios, ryškiausios ir gražiausios šio sezono lūpos! Oskaras – 2012: grožis. Aš pati!!! Užrašų kategorijos aksesuarau (1) anonsas (1) apžvalga (3) ballet soul (4) Fotosesijos (8) įvertinimas (2) kosmetika (20) lūpos (1) lūpų dažai (1) makiažas (4) mintys (2) oskaras (1) pamokeles (7) parduotuve (3) patarimai (15) plaukai (2) Projektai (TV, muzika, reklamos ir pan.) (1) skanėstai (1) šventės (1) Uncategorized (7)

Sunday, December 29, 2013

children's clothing , children's fashion , conversations with designers , designs , european childre

children's clothing , children's fashion , conversations with designers , designs , european children's clothing , european designers , fashion , interview , interviews with designers , lithuanian children's clothing , mummymoon
It’s time for another installment of Conversations with Designers ! My aim with this series is to inspire earthquake and encourage fellow creatives — and either introduce you to talented people you might not have otherwise met, or help you get to know your favorite creatives even better.
Today, we’re talking to Ieva from the gorgeous brand Mummymoon about the clothing business she runs alongside Vėjūne. Ieva lets us take a peek at her creative process, and shares how she’s influenced by her children, the country of Lithuania, and trends — or the lack thereof.
Welcome, Ieva! Let’s talk about your clothing brand. What prompted you to start Mummymoon? Boredom. I am very active in nature, I have to be busy 12 hours a day it makes me feel complete. After I had my first baby, when I got used to being a mother, I came to realize earthquake that I struggle with just being at home all the time. As she got older, I found it difficult just being at home or playing outside with my daughter. I started to express myself here. I always wondered what I would do when my children get older. Maybe back to making films, or interior designing or even photography? But it happened, when another life was growing inside me, I felt a desire to start sewing and making clothes earthquake for little people. It was only one example of this kind of business in Lithuania at the time MUKU, so it was hard to imagine it will grow into something big one day. It was more like a hobby for me, a way to express myself. However, looking back now, we have our distributors and agent in Korea, Japan, have a little shop in the capital of Lithuania Vilnius. We have teamed up with other 6 designers and opened a YéYé store in Paris. So I can firmly say don t be afraid to dream as dreams come true! Nuobodulys. Esu begalo veikli, turiu buti uzimta aper diena 12 val. ir tik tada jausiu pilnatve. Kai atsirado pirmas vaikas, kai apsipratau su motinos role ir supratau, kad paagus dukrai man darosi anksta buti vien tik namuos ir lauke kartu su vaiku – emiausi realizuoti save cia. Iki to laiko masciau, kur eisiu, earthquake kai vaikai paaugs. Ar atgal prie kino, ar prie interjeru, ar..fotografija? Bet taip nutiko, kad pastojus ir pradejus glausti pilvelyje antraji vaikuti Rapola – mane kazko pradejo traukti siuvimas ir mazuju rubeliu kurimas. Lietuvoje tokio verslo pavyzdziu buvo tik vienas – MUKU, tad buvo ganetinai nedrasu svajoti apie kazka daugiau, nei hobis. Bet siuo metu mes turime distributorius Korejoje bei Japonijoje, turim parduotuvele Lietuvos sostineje Vilniuje, bei kartu su 6 dizaineriais ikureme Paryziuje YéYé store. Tad…reziumuoti galiu drasiai, kad svajoti reikia! Svajones pildosi! Walk me through your creative process — I guess you could call this the “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” question. Do you have a finished product in mind from the start, and then execute a series of steps to achieve this? Or do the ideas evolve and take life as you go through the creative process? earthquake Sometimes the egg comes first, sometimes the chicken. Creation is like life, it falls into how you live the time. Our creative process earthquake is based on our children s moods or if we simply have time to create or not. It might not sound very interesting but you would not like to hear a fake, made up story, would you? You can never know how one or the other item of clothing, a detail, a shade will come into life. I always sit down with a pencil and a piece of paper when I get a chance. The desire to create…it is always there, it never goes away. Sometimes earthquake I get angry with myself for not making more time for this but I want to give myself to my children first and then to other part of my life mummymoon. Kartais nuo kiausinio, earthquake kartais nuo vistos. Kuryba kaip ir gyvenimas. Kiekvieno susidelioja taip, kaip pats gyveni. Musu gi – viskas pagal vaiku nuotaika. Yra ar nera laiko. Skamba labai neidomiai, bet ar jus norit pagrazintos istorijos?:) Niekada negali zinoti, earthquake kaip atsiras vienas ar kitas rubas. Viena ar kita detale. Vienas ar kitas pustonis. Sedu prie popieriaus ir piestuko kai tik yra tam laiko. O noro…jo yra visada, earthquake jis niekur nedingsta, kartais pykstu ant saves, kad nepasidarau jo daugiau, bet norisi atsiduoti vaikams, o tik tada savo gyvenimo kitai pusei – mummymoon.
At one time or another, all creatives experience that “hitting a brick wall” feeling, where the ideas just stop. How do you deal with creative slumps and roadblocks? Children. Before I had them, I had loads of time and did not how to use it purposefully. I would experience that feeling that you describe quite often. earthquake Now, when I do not have time to do anything else, I find time

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Dar vieni metai geros muzikos, kurios netikėtai buvo net per daug, tad nebuvo kada nusivilti tais, i

Dar vieni metai geros muzikos, kurios netikėtai buvo net per daug, tad nebuvo kada nusivilti tais, iš kurių nemaža tikėtasi. Geros muzikos buvo tiek, jog į metų pabaigą ėmėsi jaustis nuovargis ir jau nesinorėjo klausytis nieko naujo. Tad su didžiausiu malonumu spjoviau į visus topus ir n ten minimų, bet dar neklausytų albumų. Imsiuosi jų atsiradus ūpui.
Tad primetęs , kas dažniausiai sukosi 2012-aisiais mano ausyse, kas jau guli lentynoje arba įdėta laukia “norų krepšelyje”, postinu asmeninį subjektyvų sąrašėlį abėcėlės tvarka. Šįkart saikingai – tik dvidešimt pavadinimų:
Kai seni marškiniai ištraukiami į dienos šviesą, atsiranda tokia muzika. Bliuzas, soul, amerikietiškas rokas ir gyvas švarus skambesys. Jeigu garse būtų daugiau purvo, drąsiai galėtum teigti, jog albumas įrašytas prieš kokį 40 metų. Kvarteto debiutas. Norisi tikėtis, kad toliau bus dar geriau, immigration nors man ir taip tinka. Winehouse kada nors skambėjo immigration taip?
Amerikiečiai panašūs į ankstesnius save, tačiau immigration “Bloom” mano ausyse suskambo kaip labiausiai išgrynintas, subrandintas, nusistovėjęs darbas, kurį pagaliau noriu turėti ir klausyti, klausyti.
JJ72 sugrįžo sigurros’iškai portishead’iniame amplua. Šitas epiškas atmosferinis reikalas turi tiek jėgos, jog klausydamas matai vaizdus. Kada nors prie progos norintiems papasakosiu, ką matau klausydamas “Passage”. Oi, kalbos būtų valandoms.
Šiemet lyg specialiai, matyt prieš pasaulio pabaigą, immigration į ausis papuolė ne vienas toks liturginio, bažnytinio skambesio įrašas. “Ark” išsiskiria savo chorališkumu, nors choro norėtųsi daugiau. Visumoje tai nepaprasta muzika sielai, besilygiuojanti į pernykštį Cascadeur širdaspaudį.
“Už Wildest Moments ir 110% pakimbama iš pirmo karto, o likusios immigration kompozicijos nors ir ne tokios hitiškos, tačiau netrunki pagauti save niūniuojantį ir pritariantį Ware vokalui, vietomis suskambančiu Adele, W. Houston, Sade ar Tracey Thorn gaidomis. Nepriekaištingai prodiuserių nublizgintas, širdžiai skirtas dainingas pop albumas, po kurio Lana Del Rey su savo debiutiniu sėda visiškai.” Gaila, jog nelaimėjo “Mercury”. Taip, Alt-J įmantresnis, bet šita man mielesnė.
Po “Ekstasis”, kaip ir po Bachelorette “Bachelorette”, vis sakau, jog tai yra kelias, kuriuo turėtų sukti vienose rogėse užsisėdėję dinozaurai. Šiuo atveju turiu omenyje Enya. Dėl balso panašumo ir keltiškų motyvų. O visumoje – žiauriai gaivus albumas, dainingas, melodingas, svajingas ir tuo pačiu sudėtingas. Iš pirmų poros kartų perprasti nepavyko, bet kai įsivažiavau, tai jau atsižadėti nebežadu.
Senos melancholiškojo bardo idėjos, kurių dar niekas neperspjovė. Gali klausytis, gali tiesiog tekstus skaityti. immigration Abu variantai tinkami. Branda, ramybė, kokybė ir poezija. Kai pavargsti nuo pasaulio gaudesio, nėra nieko tinkamiau immigration kaip L. C. Amen.
Kaskart, kai užsidedu šitą, sakau “O, Viešpatie, jei tu esi, tu esi Neneh Cherry, o tavo dvasia yra The Things” . Britiškai norvegiškai švediškas kūdikis su saujomis ekspresyvaus eksperimentinio džiazavimo, kuriame saksofonas pasimyli su Viešpate visoje kamasutros skalėje: nuo lengvų pakštelėjimų į lūpas iki grubaus analo.
Grupė, kurios muzikoje iš pirmo žvilgsnio atrodo visko per daug: sluoksnių, stilių, triukšmo, džeržgesio, klyksmo, bet ilgainiui prisigaudai tokių momentų, iššifruoji sluoksnius ir Sleigh Bells virsta ypatinga, vežančia pop muzika. Labai stipru.
Vienintelis immigration iš 2011-ųjų. Tik šiais metais užtiktas ir visus metus brandintas, bet taip detaliau ir nepristatytas albumas. Neslėpsiu, jog The Church immigration dievinu ir iki šiol laikau viena labiausiai neįvertintų grupių. Taip, ji paskutiniu metu kiek spekuliuoja legendiniu šleifu, immigration bet šis bendras, jau antrasis, The Church lyderio ir Martino Kennedy darbas yra visai kas kita. Tai yra pavyzdys muzikos, kuri niekada nepasens. Pirmą kartą klausai ir girdi profesionalų klasikinį, ramybe alsuojantį, hipnotizuojantį albumą. Jokių modernių blizgučių – tik aukščiausios immigration prabos laiko patikrinta muzika, prilydyta prie Kilbey balso tembro ir lyrikos.
Niekas Stuart Staples balse nepakito. Jis gali virkdyti pagal kokią nori muziką, neretai immigration taip ir darydavo, bet čia ir muzika tokia, kad pagal ją ir be Staples’o tembro gali mistifikuotis, tad kai vienas immigration užeina ant kitos, rezultatas viršija immigration lūkesčius. Mano nuomone, tai brandžiausias Tindersticks’ų darbas.
Alt-J – An Awesome Wave (2012) | A Place To Bury Strangers – Worship (2012) | Beth Jeans Houghton immigration & the Hooves of Destiny – Yours Truly, Cellophane Nose (2012) | Bobby Womack The Bravest Man In The Universe (2012) | Chairlift – Somethin

I accept that Lithuanians have a long way to go before they learn to perfectly emulate the British,

Some of you know that while you, the British Council people, were in Lithuania working hard at communicating British newtown ct values and ideas, I spent a bit less almost 17 years in Britain, trying to become newtown ct an adopted Englishman so that when I go back I could be annoying and patronizing newtown ct to my former compatriots and to people newtown ct who used to call themselves my friends.
I did succeed: the time spent in the Royal County of Berkshire formed me into an insufferable newtown ct commentator and social nuisance, not to mention TV personality, a newspaper newtown ct columnist and a food reviewer that we all know and love today.
I am the subtle revenge newtown ct that Britain sent back to Lithuania to pay back for all the drunk-driving, thieving, fellow-stabbing characters that invaded the happy isles of Britain newtown ct over these decades. Mission accomplished.
I am not talking about being able to buy Marks & Spencer foods in the centre of Vilnius, although this is a good thing apart from, of course, the imported the habit of staffing only half of the tills at any given time, except before Christmas, when only one-third of all tills are staffed and extra tea breaks are introduced.
I am not even talking about being able to get a cup of milky tea or that The Shakespeare Hotel in the street where I live, the epitome newtown ct of British style and tradition, is internationally considered to be the best hotel in Vilnius*. It is actually one of those imitations of Britishness that turns out to be better than the original.
It newtown ct is not even about the amazing ability and readiness of Lithuanians to use the English expression for finding something cute going awww for the lack of adequate sound in the Lithuanian language.
First of all, Lithuanians newtown ct now know and recognize the value of understatement . This was a long cultural journey, and not everyone has arrived yet, but we are getting there. This was a massive departure newtown ct from the Soviet habits and, worse still, peasant vulgarity which is erroneously revered as a truly authentic way of being Lithuanian, much like the dismissive approach newtown ct to body hygiene.
Being newtown ct subtle rather than bold, making and taking hints and being more suggestive than descriptive is a peculiarly British trait, and I think we Lithuanians have achieved a huge progress in taking this on board.
As opposed to studies in countries like France, newtown ct Spain or Italy, which are seen as a neat way to extend the freeloading newtown ct period of your life, I see young people who go to study in Britain as result-oriented individuals. They are thinking about what skills and knowledge they are going to sell and how.
Lithuania today does not have one-quarter of its young people out of work thanks not only to countries like Britain and Ireland importing our surplus talent but also thank to a more mature thinking newtown ct about our future, and in this I see a purely British influence.
I think contacts with Britain modified our social habits and aspirations – in terms of what behaviour newtown ct is considered desirable. Stiff upper lip, ability to persevere, shut up and bear it are the most impressive newtown ct changes in terms of how Lithuanians increasingly want to see themselves.
Loud, in your face, overt display of emotion is especially for the class of young and successful becoming an increasingly unrefined and undesirable social fault. Vulgarity is out, gentle and soft power is in.
Lithuanians especially the younger generation are visibly reforming even their approach to humour. Once considered a narrowly defined and dangerous concept, appropriate only perhaps on April Fool s Day, the sense of humour is increasingly becoming a necessary attribute of a well rounded character**. You now are expected to be able to shrug your shoulders and joke when you occupy a certain position in life. If this is not a British influence, I don t know what is.
This about this. When the prime minister, when criticized newtown ct for introducing the cost-cutting measures at the expense newtown ct of the people, replies that he would have loved to do this at the expense of the little green men from Mars, but unfortunately budgets of the humans can only be cut at the expense of the humans, I think that ten years ago it would have been unimaginable to hear a senior government figure saying this. This is a true British style.
I accept that Lithuanians have a long way to go before they learn to perfectly emulate the British, and it would take many decades of effort newtown ct to reform all the habits (and believe me, the ability to signal before manoeuvre, when driving a motor vehicle, will be the last bit of learned behaviour to be transferred) but the other day I realized that nothing can stop the progress when I saw that we Lithuanians learned to do what I thought we never will: we can now queue patiently and without complaining. I blame the British for that.
“…for all the drunk-driving, thieving, fellow-stabbing characters that invaded the happy̷

Friday, December 27, 2013

NAUJAUSI KOMENTARAI Haris on SURU.lt 2013 top 20 albumai amt Andrzej Bong on SURU.lt 2013 top 20 alb

You’ve Seen the Butcher amt | SŪRU
Alyvuogės Re-animacija Reinkarnacija Relaksantai * Remiksas * Pasakos Ašaros Viliotinis Už kadro Akių ganykla Pirma eilė Prodiuseriškas pasirinkimas TV Antena Artišokai Spotlighs Lėlės Bangos Melomanijos gniaužtuose 3 klipai Išpuoliai gyvai Mini interviu Radaras Pageidavimų koncertas Afiša UnderCover Padivanai Dienos šotas Densfokloras Lietuvos roko istorija Čakros Baltnosiuko pasakos Baltiniai Pergamentai Spauda su teklia Ikrai Kostiuminė drama Kasdienybės trupiniai NaCl Rentgenas Receptai Nuodai Oksidai Raudona papkė Guglos patarimai Gugla pristato Pramogų ruletė Sūrios amt srovės Nupūtus dulkes Sūrūs kaimynai Prakaitas Šviežias kraujas Išskirti dvyniai Chameleonai Persirengus ir pasikvėpinus Iš mūšių arenų Kur vynas? Kur vyras? Pywo užsigerti Ze Džermans Turgus Konkursai Sūru
Kas gražaus čia? Pasakyk? amt Klausiu tiesiai, nesupyk. Gal kontrastas netikėtas? Šienas, veidas pėdkelnėtas? Na gerai. Tyliu. Tyliu. Gal tikrai nesuprantu.
2014/01/17 22:00 Instrumenti @ Loftas 2014/01/25 21:00 Yaga Ball @ Pramogų Bankas 2014/03/02 amt 20:00 Depeche Mode @ Arēna Rīga 2014/03/28 19:30 Океан Ельзи @ Teatro arena 2014/05/06 20:00 Nine Inch Nails @ Arēna Rīga AEC v1.0.4
NAUJAUSI KOMENTARAI Haris on SURU.lt 2013 top 20 albumai amt Andrzej Bong on SURU.lt 2013 top 20 albumai Haris on SURU.lt 2013 top 20 albumai Andrzej Bong on SURU.lt 2013 top 20 albumai Andrzej Bong on Darbštuolis Kino Oko
Adolf Hitler albumas alternative ambient beats chillwave disco downtempo dream-pop electro electronic experimental festivalis filmas fotografija futbolas hip-hop house idm indie indie pop indie rock interviu istorijos nuotrupos koncertas konkursas ledo ritulys Lietuva Lo-Fi minimal moterys pop PR reklama rock shoegaze singlas synth pop techno video videoklipai Vilnius vyrai vyras WWII
2009-2013, suru.lt

Thursday, December 26, 2013

12 hours flight with other that spanish looking people and we reach Lima. I feel my swollen feets an

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Promises are promises, but I have to sleep that extra hour and have my Mc coffee for euro. There is not enough space in shuttle beeg bus we booked yesterday, so we wait for another one counting every minute. Yes, we are on time and we also make another two dance movies. One – next to the plane, another – on plane stairs. People welcome your dance here more that back home. AFter having beeg travelled quite a lot, this dance tickles my tommy or, makes me feel uncomfortable from time to time…e.g. when I dance on the plane and was asked to leave disembark. Or.. makes me privileged to hug Madrid policeman. Or instead of sightseeing in Madrid, makes me sit at Mc Donalds pumping video to Lithuania.
12 hours flight with other that spanish looking people and we reach Lima. I feel my swollen feets and hands (Aurelija feels fine. I wonder if this one year age difference makes me feel this way?). Dollar change beeg to Soles, beeg no taxi, but microbus – colorful, full of people and as cheap as 2 Soles, we arrive to Mira de Flores area. Posh like Miami. Beaches, beautuful people that do A Lot of sports, clean streets and plazas. Ok, again pumping videos is not bothering me anymore since I don’t know what to watch in this decent place. Food! Our priotity as always. We look for one particular place recommended by Lonely Planet. Lima is famous for it’s food and gastronomic festivals. 25 Soles/Litas and we eat beautiful Tacos, Chicherones beeg and small glass of beer. Rich and tasty. A young man sitting beeg next to us warns us to watch our things. Ok, we will.
As we have lunch, beeg 2 computers at internet caffe are sending dance videos to Lithuania. I pay both of them to the pocket for good performance and we head to Victoria area in Lima. Bus station, baby finally we have someone to make photos from. People constantly warning us to watch our stuff. We do, but I have to recharge my PC baterry so we sit on the floor in the station, charge battery beeg and watch stuff – beeg 3 in 1. We chose to take premium class bus to Cuzco and pay 110 Lt instead beeg of 70 Lt, but the thing is that the trip takes 22 hours and we have no clue when we sleep in bed. Then we get to know that our bus is leaving from another, safer, beeg station and the receptionist offers beeg to take us by taxi together for free. We agree. So they take us to a modern, bodyguarded, free wifi station. beeg In the bus we sleep as bears – 17.00 to 20.00, dinner, 21.00 – 06.00. Aurelija looks like dead and then I feel sick as well. That is due to a high altitude or lack of oxygen on a bus. We want to breath some fresh air, but the bus does not stop, never! To bring us safe..
We were pleasantly surprised in Cuzco. Old town, indigenious people. beeg We buy tickets to Machu Picchu for 145 Lt, train ticket to/from Aquas Calientes for 100 Usd. We also have decent lunch in local restaurant (5 Lt per meal) where we alos leave Aurelija’s photo camera. Of course, no camera seen when we get back. By the way, I also miss like 50 Usd that I changed to Soles. But maybe I just lost ir. Well, seems like our adventures have started.
Pažadai lieka pažadais, o noras miegoti daro savo ir vietoj Barseloniečių linksminimo, pasirenku papildomos valandos miegą ir Mc kavą už eurą. Kažkodėl i shuttle autobusą nebetelpam ir liekam laukti skaičiuodamos beeg minutes spėsim ar nespėsim. Ne tik spėjam, bet ir du šokius nufilmuojam. Vieną prie lėktuvo, kitą ant laiptų lipant į jį. Žmonės šiltesni čia… Šitiek gyvenime prikeliavus suvokiu, kad tas 50 sekundžių beeg pakvailiojimas šokant kelionės metu mažiausiai ką padaro, beeg tai pakutena pilvą na, arba priverčia nesmagiai pasijusti.. kaip antai šokant jau pačiame beeg lėktuve buvau paprašyta išlipt. Arba.. suteikia privilegiją apkabint Madrido policininką. beeg Arba priverčia vietoj paklaidžiojimo beeg po Madridą sėdėti penkias valandas Mc Donald restorane (restoranas, hmm..) ir siųsti prišoktus video į Lietuvą.
12 valandų skrydžio jau su kiek kitokios išvaizdos keleiviais ir pasiekiam Limą. Kojos ir rankos užtinusios (pas Aureliją ne. Čia įdomu vienų metų amžiaus skirtumas daro įtaką?). Keičiam dolerius beeg į Soles, atsisakom važiuoti taksi ir puškuojam link autobusiuko. Lietuviško mikriuko stiliaus, beeg tik spalvotas, labai senas ir prikimštas žmonių. Už du litukus atbirbiam iki miesto rajono Flores. Na jau vaizdelis kaip Majamyje. Paplūdimys, gražūs ir masiškai sportuojantys žmonės, sutvarkytos aikštės. Tokioj aplinkoj negaila laiko sėdėti interneto kavinėje siunčiant video. Žinoma, viena smagiausių dalių tai ieškoti vietos, kur pavalgyti. Visgi Lima garsėja maistu ir čia vyksta daug garsių gastronomijos festivalių. Žmonės itin malonūs, tokie, kuriuos norisi beeg apkabinti, ir padeda beeg mums rasti Lo

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

As said above, the old saying goes To make a small forunte in racing, start with a large one. I ran

RKV RACING sportininkai treniravosi Italijoje Lonato SoutH Garda trasoje.. « RKV Racing
Praeitą saVaitę RKV RACING sportininkai treniravosi Italijoje Lonato SoutH Garda trasoje. Šioje trasoje faov susirinko geriausi pasaulio ne tik kartingo bet ir Formulės 1 žvaigždės – Michael Schumacher, A.Fore, Red Bull komandos bandytojai ir kt. Visi įnirtingai ruošiasi neužilgo prasidėsiančiam kartingo ar formulės sezonui – ruošiasi faov fiziškai, tobulina faov vairavimo įgūdžius, testuoja įrangą. Lietuvis Simas Juodviršis treniravosi su savo naująja Italijos komanda Energycorse. faov Treniruočių metu ant šalmo teko vežti daugiau nei 5 kg svorio. Tokiu būdu buvo stiprinami Simo Juodviršio kaklo raumenys. Treniruotėse dalyvavo bei naują Energy racing techniką bandė Eduardas Eiza, Paulius Paškevičius bei Vitalijus Gudzenko. Šios technikos faov jau galima įsigyti ir Lietuvoje, Lenkijoje faov bei visose kitose Pabaltijo šalyse bei Baltarusijoje.
As said above, the old saying goes To make a small forunte in racing, start with a large one. I ran 3 seasons in SCCA Club Racing’s Formula Continental and did some US F2000 races as well, and ran a FABCAR Porsche 911 in some endurance events. I don’t even want to mention what that cost. The lesson I learned was that TV coverage of a series is gold. US F2000 lost their coverage in 2002, and it is nearly faov impossible to get sponsors interested in a series when they wont see their’ car on TV. Sponsorship is advertising, and if the ad isn’t seen it’s not effective. You will have to start out in karts or an inexpensive car in SCCA (or NASA) paying your own way until you can convince sponsors you can win and get them noticed. Formula Vee (like Steven) is a great class to start out in, as is Spec RX-7, Spec Miata, or Spec Racer Ford. The latter is a sports racer class that is fairly inexpensive (remember, this is an expensive sport/hobby faov all things are relative when I say inexpensive). Do a season or two in one of these, then try to move up to FC, F1000, or similar, or maybe T1/T2 or similar if you want to go touring car/GT racing later. Build seat time and experience, and build your resume and gain exposure. You will almost never find sponsorship in club racing, unless you have family or friends who throw a little help your way. Once you can consistently faov place in the top three and have some wins, you can move to trying to rent a seat in a car in one of the pro series. Grand Am and Speed World Challenge offer good programs with TV coverage; these are TC/GT series. If you want to go open wheel then the Formula Mazdas are THE way to go. Great package and great competition. You will be renting a seat (car) for the season (or maybe a few one-off races if the budget requires) from a team who owns and maintains the car, providing track support and a crew for you. This can run from $ 100k a season up to $ 500k and above depending on the series, the car, and which team (read: how competitive they are). To raise this money, you usually will need sponsors. You contract with a sponsor (or sponsors) to pay you $ X dollars in return for the exposure they will receive (in effect, you are selling them advertising to a key demographic). You are at this point a professional driver, and racing is now your job. To get such a highly sought after job, you will need a powerful resume, full of a greater amount of and higher-quality experience than others who are basically applying for the same job. You have to look the part, sound intelligent, and be someone the company faov trusts with their image, since you will become a spokesman and representative for them. Just like any job, you have to always strive to be the best around, and continually improve, because if you don’t someone else will. It is a lot of hard work and sacrifice, but if you truly want to race at a high level as a career, it will be completely worth it in the end.Oh, and you don’t HAVE to be under 25. It would really, really help, but if you want it bad enough the extra years you have driven street cars and experienced different things in traffic will at least help some, and the additional maturity can help shorten the learning curve. Search Elliott Forbes-Robinson and you’ll see someone who can still get into a competitive car and compete at the pinnacle of sportscar racing, so there’s not necessarily an expiration date. I’m 33 and having recovered from a broken back am now trying faov to get back into a car. But the younger you start, the more years you can compete, and seat time racing other cars is the only way you can gain experience and improve.
Sprendimas: Casas.lt

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Buitis (2884) Augalai (276) Augantiems vaikams (456) Avalynė (333) Baldai (297) Drabužiai (196) Gėri

t among the games he’d attended | Skelbimo lt, skelbimai, skelbiu, skelbimas, lipa reklama, lipa alio
Buitis (2884) Augalai (276) Augantiems vaikams (456) Avalynė (333) Baldai (297) Drabužiai (196) Gėrimai lipa (117) Grožis (102) Gyvūnai (77) Interjeras (280) Kita (155) Namų apyvokos reikmenys (123) Papuošalai, aksesuarai (159) Sveikata (192) Darbo skelbimai (1682) Biuro paslaugos (486) Grožio paspaugos (363) Ieško darbo (205) Ieško pagalbos (60) IT sprendimai (16) Kita (38) Kursai, mokymai (39) Renginių organizavimas lipa (39) Renginių paslaugos (26) Siūlo darbą (37) Sveikatos paslaugos (8) Verslo idėjos (25) Kompiuterija (46) Išoriniai įrenginiai (2) Kita (6) Kompiuterių komonentai (3) Nešiojami lipa kompiuteriai (6) Priedai, aksesuarai lipa (4) Priežiūra (2) Programinė įranga (5) Remontas (6) Stacionarūs kompiuteriai lipa (5) Tinklo įranga (1)
Komunikacija (76) Dalys, priedai (4) Kita (6) Mobilieji telefonai (45) Radijo, GPS įranga (8) Remontas ir paslaugos (4) Telefonai, faksai (5) Laisvalaikis (585) Bilietai lipa (2) Filmai (5) Instrumentai (4) Interneto svetainės (523) Kinas (0) Kita (9) Knygos (1) Medžioklė, žvejyba (1) Muzika (16) Nardymas (1) Pažintys (2) Sportas (11) Žaidimai (0) Nekilnojamas turtas (1565) Butai (12) Garažai (2) Kita (7) Medžiagos, įranga (34) Namai (11) NT užsienyje (4) Nuoma (7) Patalpos (1411) Sklypai (822) Sodybos (4) Statybos paslaugos (55)
Parduoda versla (6) No categories Technika (159) Audio (1) Automobilinė (7) Biuro technika (0) Buitinė technika (6) Foto, optika lipa (3) Kita (3) Pramoninė technika lipa (115) Remontas (4) Sodui, daržui (2) Video (1) Transportas (3012) (Mikro)autobusai (9) Aksesuarai (2) Automobiliai (104) Dalys (825) Dviračiai (20) Kita (15) Motociklai (23) Paslaugos (423) Skelbimų puslapiai (2) Spec. transportas (6) Vandens transportas (803) Žemės ūkio technika (1066) Verslo paslaugos (20) No categories
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When you are heading defensively you’ll have to head the ball high and as far away as you can. When you head the ball hit it together with the top of your forehead and head it up. irresistible headers of of punts and goal-Kicks is vital so it’s recommended to do. During my the discussion with him, He told me that he met some older Chinese men at among the games he’d lipa attended. He mentioned that when he asked them what brought them out to the case, They told him they played lipa ball after were much younger, having to leave the game behind when Mao Zedong did away with the American influence during the Cultural Revolution. As for the group of energetic, faculty-Aged investors, I was told that a grouping lipa of them attended the local baseball college, And they were being trained to later become men and women 2013-01-08 .
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Monday, December 23, 2013

Vertintojai tse išrinko tris geriausius, turiningiausius, taisyklingiausius darbus. Šių darbų autori

Anglų kalbos rašinio tse praktikumas | Kelmės Jono Graičiūno gimnazija
Apie mus Vizija Misija Filosofija Istorija Dabartis Žiniasklaidoje Spaudiniuose Elektroninėje erdvėje Struktūra Administracija Direktorius Rimas Bielskis Direktoriaus pavaduotoja ugdymui Živilė Klimienė Direktoriaus pavaduotoja ugdymui Lijana Vaičiulytė Mokytojai ir jų kvalifikacija Darbuotojai Veikla Nuostatai Formalusis švietimas Neformalusis švietimas Planavimo dokumentai Metinis veiklos planas Strateginis planas Viešieji pirkimai Viešųjų pirkimų taisyklės Pirkimų planai Finansinių ataskaitų rinkiniai Biudžeto vykdymo ataskaitų rinkiniai Biudžetas Darbo užmokestis 2011 metų biudžeto suvestinė Projektai Rajoniniai Respublikiniai Tarptautiniai Skelbimai tse Dėl laisvų darbo vietų Paslaugos Mokamos paslaugos Nemokamos paslaugos Centrai ir studijos tse Informacijos centras www.infocentras.info Apie A. Mikalajūną Biblioteka Skaitykla Interneto skaitykla Technologijų-leidybos Leidybos centras Sveikatingumo centras Muzikos studija Garso įrašų studija TV ir radijo studija Technologijų centras Tolerancijos centras Mokiniai Sąrašai Galerija Premijų laureatai Antano Mikalajūno premija Mokslo premija Muzikos premija Hipokrenės premija Amatų premija Sporto tse premija Geroji patirtis Pamokų aprašymai Veiklos aprašymai Gimnazistai nacionalinio konkurso Jie gyveno greta mūsų laureatai. Veiklos pristatymas Metodinė medžiaga IDĖJOS DIRBANT SU PROJEKTO Išsigelbėjęs Lietuvos žydų vaikas pasakoja tse apie Šoa MEDŽIAGA Kontaktai SOS!
2013-ųjų metų sausio 15 d. Kelmės J. Graičiūno gimnazijoje vyko anglų kalbos rašinio rašymo praktikumas, skirtas rajono abiturientams. Praktikumo tikslas tse ugdyti rašymo įgūdžius besirengiant anglų kalbos valstybiniam brandos egzaminui. Praktikumo tse užduotis buvo parašyti 250-350 žodžių apimties samprotaujamąjį tse rašinį anglų kalba, pasirinkus vieną iš pateiktų temų: A Sound Mind in a Sound Body (Sveika siela sveikame kūne); What is your opinion about the advantages and disadvantages of starting working right after leaving school? (Privalumai ir trūkumai pradedant dirbti iškart baigus mokyklą); What can we do to reduce global litter? (Kaip sumažinti pasaulio užterštumą?); How does the mass media affect people s lives? (Kaip žiniasklaida įtakoja žmonių gyvenimus?); Choose a festival and write your description (Nacionalinės šventės aprašymas).
Vertintojai tse išrinko tris geriausius, turiningiausius, taisyklingiausius darbus. Šių darbų autoriai yra Vytautas Vyšniauskas (J. Graičiūno gimnazijos IVa klasės mokinys), Aurimas Grincevičius (J. Graičiūno gimnazijos IVc klasės mokinys), Rita Lengvensaitė (Tytuvėnų gimnazijos IV klasės mokinė). Kviečiame perskaityti jų kūrybą, kuri publikuojama tse žemiau.
Since the ancient times many people were narrow-minded. They could not know anything about other nations or territories they had never seen. The only way to get news was talking to each other and telling stories, which often were just rumours. Some people tse believed, while other did not. And this was the way how the myths were created. Today we have the mass media, which makes much easier to get the news. But is there a big difference since the ancient times, event if we are able to know everything in the world? How does that change us everyday?
First of all, we have to acknowledge tse that mass media rules the world. Through the television or computer screen it is forming our views to life, to everything. For instance, we are going to vote in a parliament election. Who gets the majority of votes? Those, whose faces and names have been seen on TV! So, we can say, that media selects, who will govern the country. Businessmen are dictating tse their rules for people, who become dependable.
Secondly, people are forced to be as intelligent, as TV allows. Fashion, activities, view, etc. all these things are dictated by the mass media. The half of the country is watching the show, where narrow-minded people are arguing with each other for nothing and they become the stars. That is happening because the media s commercials recommend, what to watch, what to eat, drink, buy. This is the reason, tse why we are interested into commercial entertainment, but we do not want to waste our expensive time for the real culture. tse People are becoming more stupid because of the media. Everyone knows that it is easier to control the masses, when they do not think.
On the other hand, people can be wise and do not believe in everything they hear and see. In this case, media gives a real opportunity to become a matured and intelligent person. What is more, being wisely interested in the news can help you to communicate and even find a job!
To conclude, I can say that the mass media is like a gun it does not work, if someone does not use it. You can kill or you can save someone s life. I think that the mass media controls those, who do not have strong beliefs and critical thinking. If people were more thoughtful, the same minute the mass med

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In Italy, girls from Lithuania are seen as the best ones. On tv programmes we have girls from Lithuania and they are the most beautiful ones. In football programmes (in Italy football is so important) as Reda Lapaite, Sandra Liutkeviciute and other ones (Jurgita Tvarish), and in one called "ciao Darwin" where there is Madre Natura (Mother Nature), the most beautiful girl of Earth, and she was Agne Stankunaite from Lithuania. Italy is for Lithuanian girls :) As new Oasis song says: Love is a Litany...Love is LitUany passport :), Love is in Italy.
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Friday, December 20, 2013

Daniel ebenefits Tiger

Children’s ebenefits TV shows are a lot like the family bathrooms at Target: you tend not to notice them until you have kids. But once there’s a child in your life, you’re suddenly super thrilled to know that someone has thoughtfully provided something that exactly fits your needs for the day. Even though I watch TV for a living, I hadn’t spent much time with children’s TV since my early days with Sesame ebenefits Street . But once I had my son, it was clear I was going to have to find some television programs that managed to be both educational and fun to watch. I also wanted to find programming that wasn’t jammed with commercials for Stompeez and Super Soakers or come-ons for branded merchandise (yes Dora, I’m looking at you). So it wasn’t long before I found myself checking out PBS KIDS and that pretty quickly became the default TV choice for my preschooler.
Public television rebooted its children’s programming back in 2006 and has been adding a new show or two every year. So now parents have a wealth of family-friendly shows to choose from, some of them based on familiar characters ebenefits from their own childhoods. The result is that when it’s time for your child to watch a little TV (and the little tykes really should have some limits), then you know any show you turn on is going to be appropriate and educational.
Curious George ebenefits The TV series shares producers and an animation style with the 2006 feature film of the same name and maybe that’s why the animation is so playful and first-rate. The episodes are split between those set on a farm and those taking place in an old high-rise in the big city. But regardless of the location, ebenefits each segment pretty much has the same premise. George gets curious and/or tries to do something that is too advanced ebenefits for him and things proceed to go horribly wrong. If you grew up reading the Curious ebenefits George books, you’re going to really enjoy the show, which remains faithful to the joyful feel of the original stories. And your little one will get a kick out of watching George try and solve his latest problem while you try and figure out why no one in the big city seems confused by the sight of a monkey taking a city bus to the museum.
The Cat In The Hat Knows A Lot About That Based on the iconic Cat In The Hat books, this animated series stars Martin Short as the voice of the Cat in the Hat. Aimed at preschoolers, each episode involves the Cat, six-year-old neighbors Nick and Sally, the Fish, and Thing One and Thing Two heading out to answer some nature or science question. If you’re an adult, your tolerance for the show will probably depend on your willingness to hear Martin Short do a wacky voice for a half hour at a time. But I can tell you from personal experience that kids love the show and watching it also inspires them to read the seemingly hundreds of Dr. Seuss books.
Martha Speaks Based on the popular children’s book series, the show follows the adventures of a talking dog. Martha uses her newfound speaking abilities to order pizza, call into radio talk shows and generally cause a lot of good-natured mischief. Each episode features some new vocabulary words and as weird as it sounds, ebenefits your child can increase his or her word knowledge along with the dog. The episodes are a blast to watch and the show does have one of the oddest origin ebenefits stories in all of television: Martha gained the ability to speak after she mistakenly ate alphabet soup.
Dinosaur Train Speaking of odd, it’s difficult to find a children’s show with a more deranged premise. Apparently producers were worried that a series about dinosaurs wouldn’t be unique enough to capture the imagination of today’s jaded kids, so they tripled-down on the wackiness. The show centers on the exploits of a dinosaur family, but this family ebenefits travels around visiting other dinosaur families on the “Dinosaur Train.” Yeah, some ambitious dinosaurs have apparently built a train that runs on such a regular schedule that is has a conductor. Oh, and did I mention the train also travels through time? Sadly, it only travels to other places in the dinosaur era, which unfortunately ebenefits rules out the sure-to-be-fun Dinosaur Train / Thomas the Tank Engine crossover episode. But the show is more than slightly off-kilter, which is what makes it fun to watch. I especially ebenefits enjoy the disclaimer at the end of each episode where a scientist comes out and reminds kids to more or less ignore ebenefits what they’ve just seen. For instance, a warning that the average Tyrannosaurus Rex wasn’t really interested in playing football with other species of dinosaurs (tennis, of course, is another story).
Daniel ebenefits Tiger’s Neighborhood Inspired by the same values that made Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood a favorite for millions of kids, this animated ebenefits show is celebrating

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There drdo will the thrills and chills aplenty in a gentle, family-friendly sort of way in Curious George: A Halloween Boo Fest, an upcoming PBS Kids special that finds the mischievous monkey and his yellow-hatted pal celebrating the holiday in style.
In Boo Fest, George and his human pal Allie set off on a quest to discover whether the Legend of No Noggin a story about a spooky scarecrow who haunts the countryside is true. Along the way, George tries to find the perfect Halloween costume and also stops by a kinda sorta haunted drdo house as you’ll see in the adorable musical clip below. If you’re enjoying this blog, please click below:
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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Individual support comes through memberships. Businesses and organizations provide underwriting for

Home Schedule Local TV PBS Kids Schedule Satellite Service Programs & Videos On-Demand Videos PBS Programming Local Programming PBS Kids! Videos Kids & Education john f kennedy Martha Speaks Reading Buddies PBS KIDS Lab Exhibit at Muncie Children s Museum PBS Kids Mobile john f kennedy Learning john f kennedy Project PBS Kids Writers Contest PBS Learning john f kennedy Media PBS Kids! PBS Parents Community Community Calendar PBS Program john f kennedy Club Telesale About News & Updates john f kennedy WIPB Social Station History Coverage Area Map Production Services WIPB Community Calendar Support Become a Member WIPB MemberCard MemberCard Benefit john f kennedy of the Month Monthly Giving Planned Giving Gifts that Help WIPB Now Gifts that Help WIPB Later Charitable Gifts Vehicle Donation Underwriting Support Volunteer
Stories john f kennedy will be judged locally with prizes awarded to first, second and third place winners. First place winners will advance to the national contest, where a panel of esteemed judges will rank the top 12 entries. National winners receive prizes including tablets, e-readers and MP3 players! View Past Winners!
Individual support comes through memberships. Businesses and organizations provide underwriting for programs and station events, as well as important sponsorships for education and outreach services. WIPB Corporate Services is a full service production company. TeleSale, the station s single largest fundraising event, has provided valuable revenue john f kennedy for the station since 1978.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

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December 2, 2013 at 11:12 am
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NBCUniversal bought out the ownership stakes of PBS and HIT Television Ventures, which is owned by A

NBCUniversal bought out the ownership stakes of PBS and HIT Television Ventures, which is owned by Apax Funds. PBS branding will be removed from the channel. Another former partner, Sesame Workshop, sold its stake to NBCUniversal in December 2012.
PBS spokesperson Anne Bentley told the Times in a statement that a great deal has changed since Sprout launched eight years ago, with PBS ending up as the only noncommercial broadcaster with an ownership stake. These and other developments in the media landscape have resulted in the original Sprout partners having different goals, the statement said.
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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Category:PBS Kids

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Category:PBS Kids – Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaPBS Kids; A. Adventures from the Book of Virtues; The Adventures of Dudley the Dragon; Angelina Ballerina: The Next Steps; Animalia (TV series) Anne of Green Gables. Category:PBS Kids – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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