Tuesday, December 31, 2013

This season the surface is dry, the salar is a pure white expanse of the greatest nothing imaginable

Pradžia Bolivia Bolivia Food/Maistas Bolivia Myths&Realities/Mitai ir Faktai Bolivia People/Žmonės Bolivia Places/Vietos Peru Peru Food/Maistas Peru Myths&Realities/Mitai ir Faktai Peru People/Žmonės Peru Places/Vietos Video Milana world war 1 travel " alt="" />
Uyuni – ask any local and everyone world war 1 of them would say “harto frio” – extraordinary cold. We reached Uyuni by local bus. “Semi world war 1 cama” which is half sleeping world war 1 bus was convenient for 12 hours trip and kind of cheap – 100 Bolivianos or 17 Usd. In the meantime turistic bus would have cost us 2.3 times more. It would have been all great if not a bunchof local and indigenous people that entered the bus in the next station. Together with their dogs actually. We didn’t feel very safe since some young local guys tried to impress world war 1 everyone around. So we finally arrived to Uyuni with our lungs full of “gas” – it seems that all polution went inside. The little town in the early morning looked world war 1 as if in western movies – non asfalt wide roads, shops’ windows closed, little grey houses and unlimited deserts behind them. Our jeep tour with new friends from Poland and France starts at 10.30.
Salar de Uyuni – the word’s largest salt lake (12106 sq m) sits at 3653 m. 50% of the world’s lithium deposits, a mineral essential for hybrid and electric vehicles, is found in the salt flatsof Uyuni. If Bolivia sets to become the Saudi Arabia of Lithium and lift bolivians out of poverty remains to be seen.
This season the surface is dry, the salar is a pure white expanse of the greatest nothing imaginable – world war 1 just the blue sky, the white ground and you. Just after we move from the town, any connection is lost, phones and internet don’t work. I am glad because this is the first time on this trip having my hands free without connection. After few minutes we stop near the train cemetary which is next to the railway that even today can bring you to Chile. Nothing that special, but I did enjoy dancing on the roof of a train Other stop is a salt process building which looks more than a market. We still wait until it reach beautiful places. world war 1 Next stop is a massive field of salt with plenty of other tourists around taking pictures. This place is definatelly worth photographing. We enjoy yammy lunch in Isla Pescada (Fish Island) – the island full of cactus that do not look impressive from a far distance, but once you get closer, it is an amazing world war 1 view. We eat soft avocados (when I studied in Germany, I remember my friend world war 1 from Chile would always complain about avocados being tough in Europe), organic, not lithuanian or dutch tomatoes, cucumbers, choclo cereals and llama meat which tastes like beef. We also have bananas and Coca cola for a desert.So here we finished our tour for today. Kind of early, but it is nice not to rush and enjoy the moment. I am pleasantly surprised when we arrive in a hostel, world war 1 if one can call it that way. One floor house made of salt, cement and wood. The ground is also from a salt and it looks like sand. We have everything we need: disappearing warm water that costs us 1.5 Usd and we need to queue until others would shower (a polish girl was shouting with her head all in shampoo because of a freezing water), electricity for 2 hours and lovely dinner of vegetable soup and one slice of a chicken. Walls, 2 sleeping bags, bed cover and cloths world war 1 (T-shirt, 2 sweaters, 3 socks, trousers, gloves and hat) are protecting us from cold.
Good morning we had a great sleep, it was’t so cold, I even slough from a sleeping bag because I felt like a corpse and could not move my legs. After we had breakfast during a sunrise, world war 1 we went to enjoy other beautiful places of the area. It was kind of slow motion day since we spent a lot of time in the car. We saw 5 lagoons which I have never seen before, snowy dunes, and Flamingoes… Yes, Flamingoes from a capital letter. So gorgeous in precious nature. It seems like I saw it all in my life, but every trip loads me with different colors of life. This time – Flamingo pink.
Aurelija: “how can a person that has only seen his garden can tell it is no interesting to see all these places? I just cannot believe that person would say the world is not beautiful after he would see This”. Milana: “yes, he must be blind then”.
Uyuni – paklausk world war 1 vietinio apie šį Bolivijos pietuose įsikūrusį miestelį ir jis pasakys “harto frio” – ypatingai šalta. Mes atvykome iš La Paz į Uyuni vietiniu autobusu. “Semi cama”, t.y. pusiau miegamasis autobusas buvo gana patogus keliauti 12 valandų, be to nebrangu world war 1 -100 Bolivianų, apie 17 Usd. Tuo tarpu turistinis autobusas jums kainuotų 2.3 karto daugiau. Viskas būtų puiku, jei artimiausioje stotelėje world war 1 nebūtų sulipęs vietinių žmonių pulkas. Ir ne tik vietiniai, bet su visais šunimis. Nesijautėm labai saugios, nes vieti

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