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About the Book The official biography el debate of the Queen Mother, published to great acclaim hardback, beautifully repackaged for mass-market paperback. Written with complete access to the Queen Mothers personal letters and diaries, William Shawcross's riveting biography is truly the definitive account of this remarkable woman, whos life spanned the twentieth century. Elizabeth el debate Angela Marguerite Bowes Lyon, the youngest daughter of the Earl of Strathmore, was born on 4 August 1900. Drawing on her private correspondence and other unpublished material from the Royal Archives, William Shawcross Vividly reveals the witty girl who endeared herself to soldiers convalescing at Glamis in the First World War; assured the young Duchess of York; The Queen, at last feeling el debate able to look the East End in the face at the height of the Blitz; The Queen Mother, representing the nation at home and abroad throughout her long widowhood.
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