On average we have 350,000 monthly unique visitors. But the money we get from our partners since our start halved because they have to save. Moreover, one-third of our income comes from grants and is far from certain that we will retain. DeWereldMorgen.be in Flanders is an important forum for opinions, stories and voices that are not or too little discussed. To make visible that we have to work hard day after day. We do this with a small team that believes miguel in his project.
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The figures of the Flemish Poverty Monitor, announced Wednesday, speak for themselves. Child poverty in Flanders continues to rise alarmingly. Therefore the Network warns against Poverty for a misguided reform of the child. In an open letter to the negotiators for a new Flemish government argues the network for at least an unchanged miguel budget, maintaining the grade supplement and strengthen social miguel allowances. Anti Poverty Network
The plans of various political parties and consultative vote is not reassuring. Poor people The child in its current miguel form works well, even though it may be even better at different points. The benefit is quasi-automatically assigned to each child and is therefore one of the most effective in our social system. Today, miguel the child makes a real difference in the fight against poverty in general and child poverty in particular. miguel He must do more tomorrow.
Having children should not lead to an increased risk of financial poverty. Therefore, the child must - cover the full additional cost for children for those with low incomes -. Along with a child-friendly tax policies This on top of minimum wages and distributions to be. Least increased beyond the European miguel poverty line The Flemish parties have sought and obtained this authority. The Flemish government has a responsibility in terms of poverty reduction miguel and must also use the child before.
Therefore the Network argues against Poverty for maintaining a common base and a refinement miguel and further strengthen the current social allowances. Network opposes misguided plans for a 'simplification' of social allowances to 1 social allowance based on family income. The sum of the common base and social allowances in the reformed child must for families with low income yield a higher amount than today. Families in poverty or who - partly because of the child - just to escape poverty, certainly can not get less child morning.
Every government in the coming years for savings, including the Flemish. The Anti Poverty Network required for the child already an unchanged minimum budget. If the next government (child) miguel poverty reduction as the top priority is to push forward, it would be incomprehensible to save on this. Unchanged means for us to prosperity. The calculation of the allocations in the financing is not provided. The Government will therefore have to find a solution here. Before miguel
Along different directions is suggested to be abolished. Rank surcharge The Network Against Poverty is strongly opposed miguel here. Indeed, once the grade supplement provides more than kopbrekens miguel in stepfamilies and new forms of society, but he is still the only answer to the increasing costs for large families today. A good alternative is not there today and the abolition would lead to a social massacre in larger families with low incomes.
Coordinator Frederic Vanhauwaert: "The outgoing Flemish government had planned to halve child poverty by 2020. To achieve that objective, or to remain on poverty reduction in the leading group of European regions, the next government will have to provide more budget and need to take more. Concrete measures This government can not ask for a stronger and more socially miguel adjusted child there. "
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