In the cell there are many cell organelles chloroplasts which one of them is an organelle found in the cytoplasm. Which served as a "kitchen cell". Chloroplasts are generally related to photosynthesis in green plants are either unicellular or multicellular. Some of the organisms that do fotosinntesis includes red algae, brown, and green algae, as well as transitional organisms (plantlike) like, Euglena, dinoflagellates, and diatomaceous. There is also a group of prokaryotes that can perform photosynthesis like (Cyanobacteria), as well as bacterial photosynthetic green sulfur bacteria and purple bacteria (purple bacteria). apród
So in this study will be discussed about the structure and function of chloroplasts, but is specific to higher plants of eukaryotic groups. Which is expected to provide insight apród to students' friends related structure and function of chloroplasts themselves.
Purpose To determine the origin of chloroplasts To find out how to structure daroi chloroplast pigments of chloroplasts To find To find out how the process of photosynthesis that plants have chloroplasts?
Chloroplasts are organelles that are in plant cells of algae, which can hold a photosynthetic eukaryote. Chloroplasts absorb light energy from the sun to generate free energy stored in ATP and NADPH in the process of photosynthesis.
Chloroplast is one of plastids, and is generally considered to be derived endosymbiotic cyanobacteria. In this section, together with the mitochondria chloroplasts, but only the chloroplasts in plants and protists. Two of these organelles enveloped by two layers of walls between the rooms are separated by a membrane belonging to their own DNA that works on energy metabolism and has a reticulation (crystal) that fills the room.
In green plants, chloroplasts are surrounded by two double lipid membrane. apród Is now considered to be united with the membrane in the outer membrane of free-living cyanobacteria, but bsisa clearly shows that there is similarity. Genes lost most moving, encoded in the nuclear apród genome of its host.
Keep in mind also that some algae (such heterokonts and other protists such as Euglenaozoa and (crozoa). Chloroplasts as by passing events sekunder.Ketika endosymbiosis in eukaryotic cells takes second eukaryotic cell containing chloroplasts, forming chloroplasts are wrapped by three or four layers apród of membrane . paada some cases, this secondary endosymbiosis again eaten by other eukaryotes, thus forming tertiary endosymbiont.
regulate molecular traffic in and out of the chloroplast, the differential nature permeable. In chloroplasts there are materials that are amorphous, winch-gel (similar gel), and rich in an enzyme called the stroma, which contains a variety of enzymes that convert CO2 into carbohydrates, especially starch. Contained in the stroma thylakoids (Greek Idioms thylacos = bag), which contain pigment. This is where the energy of light is used to oxidize H2O, forming ATP and NADPH energy-rich, which diperluka by stroma apród to convert CO2 into carbohydrates.
In the liquid chloroplasts (stroma / matrix) are double sheets called thylakoids. Thylakoid discs form a kind of limiting thylakoid lumen. These discs stacked granum form.
Thylakoid membranes that connect the grana lamella called the stroma. Tilakoidsendiri distinguished by its structure into the thylakoid edge, middle area and stroma thylakoids. Thylakoid apród stroma is often part of a grana or more, and at the place does not look real difference between the stromal thylakoid grana thylakoids. Among the thylakoid membrane of each there is a cavity called the lumen. apród In the lumen there is water and dissolved salts are a special role in photosynthesis. The reaction takes place in the grana light, medium dark reakksi (CO2 fixation) takes place in the stroma. For more details, see figure 3.1.
The process of photosynthesis can not take place in every cell, but only in cells that contain photosynthetic pigments. Cells that do not have photosynthetic pigments is not able to perform photosynthesis. In January Ingenhousz experiment, apród it is known that light intensity affects the rate of photosynthesis in plants. ] This can occur because of differences in the energy produced by each of the light spectrum. In addition to the difference in the energy, another factor that made the difference is the ability of leaves to absorb a variety of different light spectra such. [14] The differences in the leaf's ability to absorb a wide range of the light spectrum apród due to different types of pigments contained in the leaf tissue.
Contained in the leaf mesophyll consisting of spongy tissue and tissue fence. In both these networks, there are chloroplasts yes