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Based on the conclusions of the first meeting of the President of condominium councils (and all because of our many years of not satisfaction with the work and the services of our manager) this opportunity to express the open suspicion in their professional work and their professionalism. Before you launch other democratic steps to protect our interests and solving our problems, newtown ct we deliver you this
In hopes of us, not only to respond to our letter and express their opinion newtown ct and attitudes, but also find a way to be more specific help in the solution of common problems related to us for maintenance of common parts of buildings and equipment, and the general welfare of all. Waste of time and our money must stop. According to the plan of the total current debt charges for maintenance of common parts of buildings and equipment, responsibly claim that we are so far should live in the hotel with thermal conditions facades in our buildings. If you're newtown ct attached to all submitted written arguments with which possess only some presidents HP, we would need a big suitcase for delivering it.
Therefore, we will focus to basic reasons for our nezadovoljtva and issues related to the maintenance of the common parts of buildings and equipment, and issues related to the work of our manager, who is under the jurisdiction of the Cantonal Ministry for Urban Planning and Environment. Why is there only one manager? Can you prove that it really must be so? How is the current law on holding newtown ct conceived: that we are in, to go forward or to go under? Do you ever, to maintain only rodenticide, pp apart, chimneys, etc.? Is not this kind of money just for that purpose? How is all this possible write-off of debts? To whom it may be of interest? How can arbitrarily perform services without anyone's insight? (Except for emergency and intervention) accounts of their services are astronomical, and the price list as a menu for us there. Financial plans and programs of work (if any) are only for their drawers. By what law we tenants must maintain social housing benefits? Segregation is more than obvious, each paying all, nothing long. Keep up of all the moral degradation of representatives HP by Manager. The manager behaves towards us in a way such that we are all not educated and do not literate people and so on.
For this behavior within the Manager, possible explanations are: I do not know that is not the existence of the profession within the Administration Manager. Negligence and carelessness come from the non-existence of competition, and not penalizing them .. The legislation that is currently in effect absolutely corresponds manager. Passivity tenants and citizens (which is safe and akobogda slowly changing). Monopolistic manager, system resource newtown ct allocation and the possibility to dispose newtown ct of collected money in advance, mainly contribute to this behavior Manager.
Given that our members, and individual presidents themselves HP has repeatedly sought the help of the Cantonal ministries and municipal authorities on various grounds, this issue has already long been known to everyone, and we think that currently there is no need to predict all of the details in this request. We hope that you will us in accordance with the Law, in the domain of your competence and within the human values to offer honest and relan response to this our letter.
Cc: "Goraždestanu" LLC (as manager) Cantonal Ministry for Urban Planning and Environment BOD. Municipality of Gorazde (as EV owner, and partly to the competent authority) in the archives all signed president newtown ct KS
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PAGE under test .... especially for mobillne phones Latest news manager has not fulfilled newtown ct the promise held a meeting with the manager, send a request to the competent authority First meeting of the President of the Council of house tenants Call-co-owners Welcome! In Sarajevo started testing
Residential buildings Presidents newtown ct HP Plans and Programs Commercial Maintenance Lifts Facades Chimneys Water Meters Other reports at the entrances Public Sector Social safeguarding Sanitary Inspection Protecting People newtown ct and Property and Environment Company News Other News Housing Ads
We invite newtown ct all interested citizens to give us their criticism, regardless of whether they are positive or negative. We invite newtown ct you to join us on one of the ways: as an active member, supporting member, advisory or honorary member may have. What do we have consciousness? to